Link Overview:

Table of Contents

Part 1
Head Office, Branches and Districts...

Part 2
Election of Council...

Part 3
Meetings of the Council...

Part 4
Representatives to and from other Organizations and Groups...

Part 5
Meetings of the Association...

Part 6
Executive Director, Acting Registrar...

Part 7
Finances of the Association...

Part 8
Life and Honorary Members...

Part 9

Part 10
Scholarships and Benefit Programs...

Part 11
Register of Members...

Part 12
Seals, Stamps and Certificates...

Part 13
Assessment of Costs for Hearings and Appeals...

Part 14





23(1) The finances of the Association shall be audited annually as of the 31st day of December.

(2) The auditors shall be a firm of chartered accountants who shall be appointed annually at the annual meeting.

(3) The auditors shall submit a written report for the annual meeting, a copy of which shall be sent to members prior to the meeting either directly by mail or via one of the Association publications.


24(1) The annual fee for a professional member shall be as specified from time to time by Council and shall be payable in advance, on the anniversary date of the member's initial or current registration, subject to such discount, if any, as Council may from time to time direct.

(2) The registration fee shall consist of an administrative charge as established by Council from time to time plus any other fees payable with the application for registration.

(3) In the case of new applicants, the annual fee for the following 12 months shall be payable at the time of registration.

(4) The annual fee for a licensee shall be fixed by Council from time to time, and shall not be less than the annual fee for a professional member.

(5) (a) The annual fee for a permit holder shall be fixed by Council from time to time and shall be not less than the annual fee for the professional member or licensee assuming direct personal supervision of and responsibility for the practice of the permit holder.

(b) Council may, in its discretion, on application of a permit holder waive or reduce the annual fee.

(6) The annual fee for a registered professional technologist shall be as specified from time to time by Council and shall be payable as directed by Council.






























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