Link Overview:

Table of Contents

Part 1
Head Office, Branches and Districts...

Part 2
Election of Council...

Part 3
Meetings of the Council...

Part 4
Representatives to and from other Organizations and Groups...

Part 5
Meetings of the Association...

Part 6
Executive Director, Acting Registrar...

Part 7
Finances of the Association...

Part 8
Life and Honorary Members...

Part 9

Part 10
Scholarships and Benefit Programs...

Part 11
Register of Members...

Part 12
Seals, Stamps and Certificates...

Part 13
Assessment of Costs for Hearings and Appeals...

Part 14




Voting by mail

37(1) The Council may direct that a mail vote be conducted on any matter related to theAssociation.

(2) Announcement of a mail vote giving full details of the matter to be voted upon must be made to all professional members at least 21 days in advance of the vote being taken and if objections to a mail vote are received by the Registrar in writing at least 3 days before the announced date of the vote from at least 30 professional members of the Association the matter shall be held over to a meeting of the Association.

(3) A vote by mail shall be declared valid if at least 10 percent of the professional members respond and the matter shall be declared carried or defeated on the basis of a simple majority of the votes returned.

(4) The results of a mail vote shall be considered by the Council at its next regular meeting.


Amendments to By-laws

38(1) Proposed amendments to by-laws shall be submitted to a properly convened meeting of the Association and shall not be effective unless approved by a majority of the professional members present and voting at the meeting, or shall be submitted to the professional members for a mail vote in accordance with section 37.

(2) If the proposed amendments are to be voted on at a meeting of the Association, full details of the proposed amendments shall be disclosed to all professional members at least 14 days in advance of the meeting.

Validation 39 When any act or thing under the provisions of these by-laws directed to be done within a limited time is not so done, or is not properly or effectually done, then anything actually done prior to such omission or improper or ineffectual act shall not be thereby vitiated, but shall remain in full effect and the Council, either prior or subsequent to such act not properly or effectually done or omitted, may extend the time for completing or perfecting such act or thing, which when completed or perfected, shall have the same effect as if done strictly in accordance with the provisions of these by-laws.





























































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