Terri-Jane Yuzda


Professional Members
Quietly Donate
Their Time

Not all of us have a fortune to give away to strangers, but most of us do find time to volunteer.


APEGGA President

Jack MacKenzie died last month. He was 83. I never met Jack, had never even heard his name. I expect you never did either.

Jack was a veteran, a father, a businessman, an engineer, a lifelong friend of Ernest Manning and a philanthropist. He made a fortune and gave most of it away to strangers. He helped many people very quietly. He wanted it that way. I wish I had known him.

Most of us are not philanthropists in the sense that we have a fortune to give away, but we do what we can. We volunteer our time and help if we are able. I know, I see you doing it.

Chances are that you volunteer, maybe it's with Cubs, or your community association, the kids' soccer team or hockey.

My friend Mark, an engineer, spends the day before Christmas at the Mustard Seed Ministry every year. He took me along this past Christmas and we helped prepare dinner for a thousand needy people. Several other APEGGA members were there that day. I saw them, pitching in, doing what they could, helping in some small way.

Do you help at your local school or church? How about Meals on Wheels, or Habitat for Humanity? The choices are endless. New APEGGA Council member Dave Chalcroft, P.Eng., is involved with RedR, Registered Engineers for Disaster Relief, an international organization whose name says it all.

APEGGA is a volunteer-driven organization. We have more than 600 volunteers actively participating in the day-to-day functions of this organization.

Perhaps you are active with one of our branches right across the province, or the Outreach Program. It could be that you serve on the Practice Review Board, the Practice Standards committee or the Environment committees. The regulatory aspects of APEGGA are vital to our professions, including the Board of Examiners, the Discipline, Investigative and Enforcement Review Committees, and the Appeal Board.

There are too many to name, but the variety means that there is something for everyone. Communications Planning, GeoScience Liaison, Honours and Awards, Joint Board of Practice and the Professional Development Committee are just some of the options.

Most of us go about our lives quietly, making a living, raising our families, making a difference in some small way. Hardly anyone notices, and just like Jack MacKenzie, it seems we like it that way.

Well, I noticed, and have just one thing to say. Thanks, and keep up the good work.

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