Terri-Jane Yuzda

Lakeland Branch Attracts
250 Students for Challenge


Lakeland Branch Chair

Presentation Time
Awards were presented at schools in the Lakeland Branch area for winners in the APEGGA Provincial Challenge in March. From left at Kehewin School are
Principal Rod Soholt, students Allison Badger, Oneida Trottier and Tyler Youngchief, and Jared Paddock, E.I.T., chair of the Lakeland Branch.

The Lakeland APEGGA Branch has been very active over the past few months through our various community Outreach programs. During National Engineering and Geoscience Week March 4 to 10, the branch had about 250 students from Grades 1 to 12 participate in the APEGGA Provincial Challenge.

The challenge allowed students to demonstrate their problem-solving skills while designing a Popsicle stick bridge using fewer than 100 sticks and white glue.

The students of the Lakeland district enjoyed tremendous success in the provincewide competition, placing first in the Grade 4 to 6 category and taking second and third place in the Grade 10 to 12 category. The event was very popular with students, both creating a fun scientific activity for students to participate in and raising the profile of the engineering and geoscience professions in the community.

With summer approaching, Lakeland Branch is planning our annual golf tournament, held in conjunction with the local ASET Chapter. The tournament will be held in Cold Lake on July 19. For further details please contact Jared Paddock at (780) 639-5266.

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