Editor Len Shrimpton, P.Eng. • E-mail: lshrimpton@apegga.org
Editor George Lee • E-mail: glee@apegga.org
Editorial Assistant Francine Maxwell • E-mail:
Published by the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta at the beginning of each month except August and December.
Opinions published in The PEGG do not necessarily reflect the opinion or policy of the Association or its Council. Articles from members should be directed to the Managing Editor. The editors reserve the right to reject, condense or edit any article.
Advertising inquiries should be made with the Editorial Services Assistant.
Further PEGG information, including advertising rates and order forms, is available here. Also, go to The PEGG Online for all stories published since January 2003, and watch for our electronic newsletter, the e-PEGG, about twice a month.
Opportunities in Leadership |
APEGGA's New Minister Brings Agrologist Experience |
Data Collection Starts For Salary Survey |
Professional Practice & Ethics Corner |
Compliance |
President's Notebook |
Keeping the Job on Track |
EWB Builds Sorghum Crop in Zambia |
Geoscientists Carry Romance for Outdoors Over to Golf Course |
Suncor Partnership Nets Imagine Canada Award |
Summit Series: Bumpy Journey Pays Off |
Education Foundation: Report to Members 2007 |
Memorial Scholarship Winners |
Edmonton Professor Among National Winners of Engineering Awards |
Doing Business |
The Wild Wireless West |
Reader's Forum |
The Keyser File |
World Watch |