The 2008 Salary Survey has officially swung into high gear. Once again, APEGGA has issued a call to permit holders to take part by submitting their data. Deadline is June 16.
The annual survey gathers salary and compensation data about engineering and geoscience professionals. The salary report, called the Value of Professional Services, provides information on annual salaries by level of responsibility and industry.
The report, which also includes information on non-salary compensation, has proven to be an invaluable tool in helping members assess if they are adequately paid. It reflects industry and economic activity within each sector, as well as working conditions, responsibility, performance and other factors.
2007 Salary Survey
Last year’s final report, the Value of Professional Services 2007, accounted for nearly 52 per cent of all downloads from the APEGGA website and boasted the title of “most visited document.”
In all, 126 employers responded and supplied 10,972 data points. The survey found that the average base salary for all members, including students, increased by eight per cent in 2007 to $105,264.
An analysis of salary by location was included for the first time, finding that members working in the Fort McMurray, Lakeland and Yellowhead areas tended to make more money than those in other locales.
2008 Salary Survey
Organizations employing engineers, geologists and geophysicists are invited to visit the APEGGA homepage at to download the salary survey manual and data sheets.
Completed data sheets can be e-mailed to the attention of Allan Bartolcic Manager, Member Affairs, at by Monday, June 16.
Photo Op
Again this year, APEGGA will illustrate the report with a photo supplied by a participant. The company that provides the selected image will see its photo on the cover of the full survey report, as well as the summary report published in The PEGG, with photo credits.
The winning shot will demonstrate teamwork in the practice of engineering and geoscience.
Said Mr. Bartolcic: “I would like to extend a big thanks to the APEGGA members who have contributed their valuable time and data in the past. I would encourage all permit holders to participate in this year’s survey.”
APEGGA needs strong input to give the survey the best possible value, he said. “We couldn’t do it without you.”
Allan Bartolcic, MA
Manager, Member Services
Toll free at 1-800-661-7020
In Edmonton at 426-3990, ext. 2819