1.1.1 The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta, shall hereinafter be referred to as APEGGA or the Association.
1.1.2 This document refers to the _____________________ Branch of APEGGA, which shall hereinafter be referred to as the Branch.
1.1.3 The major objective, specific goals, and principal activities of the branch are set out in the Branch Terms of Reference.
1.2.1 The Branch Bylaws shall be consistent with Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act of the Province of Alberta, hereinafter referred to as the Act, currently in effect and are subject to the approval of the governing Council of the Association, hereinafter referred to as the Council.
1.2.2 The Bylaws shall be the same for all Branches.
1.2.3 The Branch, by vote of members at a general meeting, shall have the power to pass, rescind or amend by special resolution, Supplementary Bylaws unique to the Branch. Such Supplementary Bylaws shall be subordinate to these Branch Bylaws and subject to other policies and procedures for Branches as the Council may adopt.
1.2.4 The Branch shall not negotiate with any government or other body in such matters as to commit the Association, or to imply Association support of such action, without first obtaining official approval from the Council. In all matters affecting the professions, or the Association as a whole, the Branch shall submit its conclusions to the Council as a form of resolution requesting appropriate action by the Council. In no case shall the Branch act as a bargaining agent.
The Branches may, by special resolution, request that Council rescind or amend the Branch Bylaws.
1.3.1 A Branch Executive may independently approve a resolution to Council to request changes in the Branch bylaws or may present the resolution to the Branch members at a meeting for approval. In the latter case the tenor of the proposed alterations or additions must be provided in writing with the notice of the meeting.
1.3.2 Upon
approval by the Branch, the resolution must be presented to the other Branches
for consideration, typically at the Branch Chairs meeting. The Branch Chairs,
at their discretion, may approve it or take the resolution back to either their
executive or the members in their Branch for approval.
1.3.3 The resolution will not come into effect until Council has approved
1.4.1 Membership in the Branch shall be limited to individuals who are resident in the geographic area comprising the Branch as established by Council, and are professional members, members-in-training, examination candidates, licensees, or students, recorded as such with the Association and as defined in the Act.
1.4.2 The designated geographic area for the Branch shall be identified by postal code in the Association files.
1.5.1 The Executive of the Branch shall consist of the following:
The Executive or the Nominating Committee shall be free to decide the number of Members-at-Large to be on the Executive of the Branch.
All members except the Past-Chair shall be elected from and by the membership at the Annual General Meeting of the Branch. One person may hold the position of the Secretary and Treasurer if decided by the voting members at the Branch Annual General Meeting.
The term of the office for a member of the executive shall be until the next Annual General Meeting of the Branch, which must be held within 18 months of the previous Annual General Meeting of the Branch.
1.5.2 A Nominating Committee shall be appointed at the Branch Annual General Meeting to serve for the ensuing year. The committee shall consist of not less than two members of the Branch, one of whom shall be the Past Chair, who shall be the Chair. The Executive shall fill any vacancies which may occur in this Nominating Committee. The Secretary shall contact each of the newly elected members of the nominating committee in writing, immediately following the holding of the Branch Annual General Meeting, to notify them of their appointment.
1.5.3 The Nominating Committee will submit a list of nominees for the Executive to the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Branch. The consent of the nominees to act if elected, will be secured prior to the list of nominees being submitted to the Secretary. Not less than 15 days prior to the annual meeting, the Secretary shall cause to be distributed to each member either directly by mail or by the Association's publication known as "The PEGG", a list of the Branch nominations made by the nominating committee.
1.5.3 Nominees for the Chair should have served at least one year on the Executive.
1.5.4 The Nominating Committee will give due consideration to the composition of the Executive and in particular to the geographic distribution and field of practice of the nominees.
1.5.5 At the Annual General Meeting of the Branch, any member of the Branch may nominate a member in good standing, who is present at the meeting, for any position on the Executive (subject to 1.5.3). If duly seconded, and the candidate agrees, the candidate's name shall be added to the list prepared by the nominating committee.
1.5.6 The Secretary shall report the results of the Branch elections to the Association within a week of the Annual General Meeting of the Branch.
1.5.7 Any vacancies occurring on the Executive may be filled, for the remainder of the term, either by the remaining members on the Executive or by selecting another member of the Branch.
1.5.8 A member of the Executive can leave his/her position by: submitting a letter of resignation to the Chair or the Secretary ceasing to be a member of the Branch1.5.8.3 ceasing to be a member of APEGGA
1.6.1 The Executive is accountable for all the activities of the Branch.
1.6.2 Questions
arising at any Executive meeting shall be decided by a majority vote of the members
present. Four members of the Executive shall constitute a quorum.
1.6.3 The Executive may set up standing subcommittees or task forces,
as it deems necessary, to deal with specific events, programs or the branch network. The branch network is a group of member volunteers who liaise with responsible members in the branch. This interface/network serves to uncover/discuss issues, recruit volunteers (and mentors), promote events, promote image, promote APEGGA, and determine professional development needs.
1.6.4 Duties of the Chair
The Chair shall: be the ex-officio member of all committees of the Branch. He/she shall preside at all meetings of the Branch and of the Executive. In his/her absence, the Vice-Chair shall preside at such meetings. In the absence of both Chairs, another member of the Executive shall be elected to preside at such meetings. attend meetings of the Council and the Annual General Meeting of the Association, and shall report back to the Executive and the Branch. The Chair may designate another member of the Executive to attend such meetings on his/her behalf. be the principal liaison with the Executive Director and staff of the Association with respect to the administration of the Branch. ensure that the incoming Executive is provided with Branch and Budget Manuals.
1.6.5 Duties of the Secretary
The Secretary shall: attend all meetings of the Executive and the Branch and maintain minutes of such meetings. In the absence of the secretary, another member of the executive shall perform his/her duties. be accountable for all correspondence and advertising of the Branch. send meeting notices. Also responsible for actions identified in sub-sections 1.5.2 and 1.5.6. submit to the APEGGA Webmaster minutes and other activities of the Branch as appropriate.
1.6.6 Duties of the Treasurer
The Treasurer shall: receive all monies on behalf of the Branch and deposit it in the account for the Branch at a financial institution. ensure that all cheques on behalf of the Branch are signed by the Treasurer, the Chair or Vice Chair. maintain a record of all financial transactions on behalf of the Branch, and provide information to the Executive upon request. present a duly audited financial statement at the Annual General Meeting of the Branch. Copies of the financial statement shall be provided to the Secretary of the Branch and the staff of the Association. ensure that the signing authorities are up-to-date and the financial institutions' records are amended to reflect the same. prepare the annual budget and the financial statement in accordance with the Branch Budget Manual.
1.6.7 Duties of Members-at-large
Members-at-large shall: be full members of the Executive and attend meetings regularly. actively participate in the activities of the Branch, and undertake assignments to organize meetings and functions. represent the Branch in community activities.
1.7.1 The books, accounts and records of the Secretary and Treasurer shall be audited at least once each year by a duly qualified accountant or by two members of the Branch elected for that purpose at the annual meeting. A complete and proper statement of the standing of the books for the previous year shall be submitted by the auditor at the Branch Annual General Meeting. The fiscal year of the Branch shall end on the 31st day of December.
1.7.2 The financial records of the Branch may be inspected by any member of the Branch at its Annual General Meeting, or by appointment with the Treasurer. The Executive shall have acess to such records at all times.
1.8.1 There shall be at least four general meetings of the Branch each year. The Annual General Meeting of the Branch shall be held at least 30 days prior to the Annual General Meeting of the Association.
1.8.2 Notices of the Branch general meetings shall be distributed by mail, email or the PEGG at least fifteen days prior to the Meeting.
1.8.3 A quorum at a Branch meeting shall be 10 members.
1.8.4 The proceedings of any meeting of the Branch shall generally be governed by Robert's Rules of Order. All votes must be made in person and not by proxy or otherwise. Only Professional members are entitled to vote on resolutions and other matters that are to be presented to Council. All members are eligible to vote on all other matters affecting the operation and activities of the Branch.
1.8.5 Members may invite guests to attend Branch meetings, and other activities upon payment of the applicable fee. The Chair of the meeting shall inform the guests that they may not vote on any business matters of the Branch.
1.9.1 No member of the Branch Executive or any member of the Branch shall receive remuneration for performing any services for the Branch.
1.9.2 Reasonable out of pocket local branch expenses shall be reimbursed upon approval by the Chair or the Treasurer of the Branch.
1.9.3 Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses shall be reimbursed for attending the Annual General Meetings of the Association or meetings of the Council, and when traveling on business of the Association upon approval of the Executive Director or his designate.
1.9.4 All expenses must be supported by receipts.
1.10.1 The Executive shall be accountable for obtaining funds necessary for financing Branch activities. The Council shall grant funds to the Executive for Branch activities, upon receipt of satisfactory annual budgets and financial statements.
1.10.2 The Branch shall not borrow or raise money through general assessment of its members without prior approval of the Council.
Approved by ___________________________
Names Signatures
Approved by the Council
Names Signatures
Blank budget spreadsheet
Dated: April 2001
Dated: April 2001
The board goals and specific actions that are undertaken
by the Branches in carrying out their responsibilities are described in the "Terms
of Reference".
The rules governing the administration of a Branch and the role of the Branch Executive are described in the Branch Bylaws.