Thursday, March 27, 2025

The engineering, Geological and
Geophysical professions act

Being Chapter E-11.1
Revised Statues of Alberta, 2000
Printed April 2007



This document is a revised edition of the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act, Regulations (including the Code of Ethics) and By-Laws, incorporating all amendments up to April 2007. The Act and Regulations are printed with the permission of the Government of the Province of Alberta.

The Act, (Revised Statutes of Alberta. Chapter E-11.1), is a government consolidation of the 1981 Act, the 1984 Amendment Act and other subsequent amendments. The General Regulation is a consolidation of the 1981 Regulation and amendments to the Regulation approved in December 1985, July 1990, April 1996, July 1999 (AR 150/99), February 2003 (AR 37/2003), and April 2007 (AR 72/2007). A regulation providing for Registered Professional Technologist (Geological) and Registered Professional Technologist (Geophysical) Regulation (AR 36/2003) has also been added. This has been amended in April 2007 (AR 72/2007). All persons making use of this consolidation are reminded that it has no legislative sanction, that the amendments have been embodied for convenience of reference only, and that the original Act, Regulations and amending Acts and Regulations be consulted for all purposes of interpreting and applying the law.

The By-Laws incorporate the amendments which were approved at the APEGGA Annual General Meetings of June 1983, June 1987, April 1991, April 1993, April 1996, April 1997, April 1998, April 1999, April 2000, April 2001, April 2002, April 2004, and April 2005. These are the latest amendments.

An index is provided for convenient reference to any or all of the three documents.

The EGGP Act

The Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act