APEGGA Branches


Peace River Yellowhead Fort McMurray Lakeland Vermilion River Central Alberta Calgary Medicine Hat Lethbridge Edmonton



The APEGGA Branches are an important and integral part of APEGGA operations. The Branch Manual has been created to assist the branches in carrying out their responsibilities, which are primarily in the areas of Communications, Professional Development and Public Affairs. The board goals and specific actions that are undertaken by the Branches in carrying out their responsibilities are described in the "Terms of Reference".

The rules governing the administration of a Branch and the role of the Branch Executive are described in the Branch Bylaws. These bylaws identified the roles of the Branch Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Members-at-large, which form the executive of the Branch. The Bylaws also describe the administrative rules within which the Branches should operate.

The Branch Timetable is designed to assist the Branches in their operation. The Branch Timetable identifies the required activities that the Branches must complete throughout the year. The Branch Timetable also provides a schedule in which these activities must be completed.

Social events, action plans, technical events, Professional Development days, and other activities, not identified in the Branch Timetable, are identified in the Branch Business Plan. The Business Plan describes the goals and the planned activities that a Branch will undertake over an 18 month period. The Business Plan forms the basis for the Branch Budget. The Branch Budget identifies the financial resources required for the Branch to carry out the planned activities discussed in the Business Plan.

The APEGGA Outreach Program is a public awareness program to promote interest in Science, Technology, and Math. The manual describes the responsibilities of the Branch Outreach Representative.


table of contents

Calgary BranchCALGARY
Acme, Airdrie, Aldersyde, Arrowwood, Balzac, Banff, Bassano, Beiseker, Black Diamond Blackie Bragg Creek, Calgary, Canmore, Carbon, Carseland, Carstairs, Cayley, Chaplin, Chestermere, Cluny, (more....)

Central Alberta BranchCENTRAL ALBERTA
Alhambra, Alix, Bashaw, Bentley, Birchcliff, Blackfalds, Botha, Bowden, Brownfield, Byemoor, Caroline, Castor, Condor, Coronation, Delburne, Delia, Eckville, Elnora, Erskine, Forestburg, (more....)

Edmonton BranchEDMONTON
Alberta Beach, Alliance, Alsike, Andrew, Ardmore, Ardrossan, Armena, Athabasca, Atmore, Barrhead, Bawlf, Beaumont, Big Valley, Bittern Lake, Bluffton, Bon Accord, Boyle, Breton, Bruce,Bruderheim (more...)

Fort McMurray, Mildred Lake, Wandering River

Lakeland BranchLAKELAND
Ashmont, Bonnyville, Brosseau, Cherry Grove, Cold Lake, Elk Point, Grand Centre, Lac La Biche, Mallaig, Medley, Spedden, St Paul, Two Hills, Willingdon

Lethbridge BranchLETHBRIDGE
Aetna, Barnwell, Barons, Bellevue, Blairmore, Cardston, Carmangay, Claresholm, Coaldale, Coalhurst, Coleman, Cowley, Fort Macleod, Granum, Hill Spring, Lethbridge, Lundbreck, Magrath, Milk River, (more....)

Medicine Hat BranchMEDICINE HAT
Medicine Hat (MH): Bow Island, Burdett, Brooks, Duchess, Dunmore, Empress, Hilda, Irvine, Medicine Hat, Patricia, Ralston, Redcliff, Scandia, Seven Persons, Tilley, Walsh

Medicine Hat BranchPEACE RIVER
Atikameg, Beaverlodge, Bezanson, Clairmont, Crooked Creek, Deadwood, Debolt, Debolt, Donnelly, Elmworth, Fairview, Falher, Fort Vermilion, Grande Cache, Grande Prairie, (more....)

Vermilion River (VR): Blackfoot, Chauvin, Daysland, Denwood, Edgerton, Hairy Hill, Hardisty, Hughenden, Kitscoty, Lloydminster, Lougheed, Mannville, Marwayne, Myrnam, Paradise Valley, Provost, Rivercourse, Sedgewick, Vegreville, Vermilion, Viking, Wainwright, Willingdon

Yellowhead BranchYELLOWHEAD
Alder Flats, Carvel, Drayton Valley, Edson, Evansburg, Fox Creek, Hinton, Jasper, Mayerthorpe, Robb, Rocky Rapids, Sangudo, Whitecourt

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