The PEGG November 1999

Please check the November PEGG on the specified pages for more information on the items listed, or link to the stories where indicated.


Calgary Construction Boom Builds New Ideas Onto Proven Concepts/ 1

Calgary is experiencing construction activity which rivals that of the early 1980s but now the construction is more varied and more evenly distributed throughout the city.

Wind Power Tries To Pick Up Interest?/ 1

Vision Quest Windelectric Inc. has ambitious plans to generate renewed interest in wind generation in southwestern Alberta.

President's Notebook / 3

The admission of Registered Professional Technologists (Engineering) to APEGGA is the topic of this month's commentary by APEGGA President Darrel Danyluk, P.Eng.

Council Nominations / 3

Candidates nominated for APEGGA's 2000 elections are listed.

Letters / 4

Calgary Branch Nominations / 5

APEGGA's Calgary Branch holds its elections Jan. 20. Check page 5 for the names of candidates nominated to date.

You Asked Us / 5

This month's question deals with The APEGGA Education Foundation.

Our Volunteers / 5

After 30 years, Dennis Brooks, P.Eng., P.Geoph., remains a committed APEGGA volunteer.

Executive Director Notes / 6

Executive Director Neil Windsor, P.Eng., writes about APEGGA's election policy.

Across Canada / 6

News from other associations including an item on Professional Engineers Ontario's new policy regarding software practitioners.

Practice Standards Code Changes / 6

Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Codes is preparing for the introduction of objective-based construction codes. (also see New Codes for Alberta)

Engineering Titles / 7

APEGGA has called for a co-operative approach on the use of "engineering" titles.

Task Force Update / 7

Council has several task forces at work, including the Emerging Disciplines Task Force, which expects to submit a report next month.

Notice of Annual General Meeting / 7

Scholarship Winners / 8

The APEGGA Education foundation has announced its 1999 scholarship recipients.

U of A Again Has Top Engineering Student / 9

Aaron Hryciw, enrolled in second-year at the University of Alberta, has been recognized as Canada's top male engineering student by the C.D. Howe Award.

Foundation Support / 9

The APEGGA Education Foundation has donated $10,000 toward a Yoho Burgess Shale Foundation program to improve understanding of climatic change.

Understanding Differences / 10

Understanding differing cultural and business practices will improve Canadian firms' prospects abroad writes Lionel Laroche, PhD, P.Eng.

What's Going Up In Calgary / 11

A feature on Calgary construction activity includes brief descriptions of some major projects now planned or being built.

Coiled Technology Finds New Roles / 12

Coiled tubing technology has caught on rapidly within the oil industry for drilling and servicing.

APEGGA Education Foundation Special Insert [in PDF Format ] This is available in PDF format. To view the file you will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader software, available free from Adobe.

Alberta's New Power Players / 13

The PEGG begins a three-part series examining changes already affecting the way Albertans generate, distribute and purchase their electricity.

Aging Beautifully / 13

Some aging Alberta industrial buildings are finding new uses and gaining new appreciation.

In the News / 15

Why the Y2K Confusion? / 16

Martin & Brusset A Happy Team / 17

PEGG These Dates / 18

APEGGA Calendar / 19

Societies Listings / 19

Have Your Say / 20

Registration / 21

Careers / 22

Green Chip Stocks / 24

Albertans are among those getting in on the action as a market develops for green house gas emission credits.

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