- March 1, 2003 - Science Olympics, Hall A, Shaw Conference

- "Registration for the 2003 Edmonton Science Olympics
is now complete. An Event Package for Registered Teams has
been sent out. To view the event package
- Science Sunday: Fun for the whole family
It's the extremely new 4th annual Science Sunday at the
University of Alberta on Sunday from noon until 4:00 pm.
There are more than 18 fresh, exciting interactive centers
or hands-on activities. Families will unearth the mysteries
of rocks and minerals: discover the wonders of dinosaur
fossils; learn about amazing animal adaptations. Science
Sunday is recommended for children five and up, and all
children must be accompanied by an adult. Registration is
in the Earth Sciences Building (Saskatchewan Drive, near
# parking lot, University Campus) and admission is by donation.
For more information call Museums and Collections Services
at (780) 492-5834.
- March 8, 2003 - Science Olympics, Grande Prairie Composite
High School. To see the Event Package and Information
