Grades 1-12
"Visions of Things to Come"
National Engineering and Geoscience Week is an annual event designed
to increase public awareness about the important roles that engineers,
geologists and geophysicists play in the everyday lives of Canadians.
In Alberta, this event is sponsored by The Association of Professional
Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA). Engineers,
geologists and geophysicists use math, science, ideas, teamwork
and technology to solve problems and make our lives easier and more
comfortable. Their "Vision of Things to Come" will continue
to make the world better and help people have healthier and safer
APEGGA is organizing activities around the province during National
Engineering and Geoscience Week. In addition to the Provincial School
Challenge, APEGGA sponsors the Edmonton Regional Science Olympics,
a poster and essay contest in Calgary, the Peace Country Science
Olympics, classroom visits, mall science exhibits and other regional
events. APEGGA will also publish a newspaper supplement in Alberta's
two largest daily newspapers on February 27. For more information,
visit our web site at: www.apegga.org/science.
APEGGA is responsible for regulating the practice
of the professions of engineering, geology and geophysics in Alberta.
With more than 37,000 members, APEGGA is the largest professional
association in Alberta.