Two APEGGA booklets are now available for download in PDF format. The brochures
are available in PDF format. To view these files you will need the Adobe Acrobat
Reader software, available free from Adobe.
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Careers in Engineering,
Geology and Geophysics - The Facts
The Facts is an 8 page booklet that provides a quick understanding about careers
in engineering, geology and geophysics and answers questions about salary, education,
scholarships and more.
... download here
Engineering Your Future
This is a comprehensive booklet that describes the many disciplines of
engineering, where engineers work and what they do. Developed for high
school and first-year university students.
... download here
Please use the following link to access current information on the list of accredited
Canadian engineering programs and the Canadian universities where they are offered.
To order copies of the above publications, please contact APEGGA Outreach by using our online contact form and in the drop down menu choose 'Outreach'.
Explore Careers in Geoscience
The Canadian Geoscience Council has produced this online detailed booklet about
careers in geology and geophysics and the different areas of specialization.
Developed for high school and first-year university students.