APEGGA and its members recognize that engineering, science and technology are important to Canada’s future. To succeed in the future and compete in world markets, we need to employ science and technology today and provide an ongoing supply of qualified science professionals.
To this end, the Association and its members are working with Alberta universities, industry and government to help ensure that the value of science and technology, and the impact of engineering, geology and geophysics on the lives of Albertans, is understood and appreciated.
By bringing attention to its professions through a variety of programs and activities, APEGGA encourages and nurtures an interest in engineering, science, math and technology in students and the general public.
Careers in engineering, geology and geophysics
and the importance of science, math and technology are all promoted through the
Outreach program. Activities are school and community related.
National Engineering & Geoscience
Week (NEGW) is an annual opportunity to highlight not just engineering and geoscience
but science, math and technology. Science Olympics and Provincial School Challenge
are a few of the fun school activities.
A listing of available APEGGA sponsored
scholarships. Student scholarships and an Education Scholarship for teachers
and members are posted. Review the requirements and use the downloadable application
form to apply.
Elementary and secondary level teachers
in Alberta are recognized for inspiring student interest and learning in math
and science.