September , 1999

Membership Register Available on CD-ROM

A CD-ROM version of the APEGGA Membership Register is now available. It contains only information on Members that is available in the approved printed version of the Membership Register. The software has been designed to minimize inappropriate use of the data by limiting its access to a name-search basis only. The data has also been encrypted to prevent unauthorized use of member names and addresses by mass mailing or advertising companies. The information fields attached to individual names are non-searchable. Individual Members and licensees information fields will include surname, preferred first name, designation, degree(s) discipline, university, graduation year, mailing address, job title, and employer name. The information fields included for permit holders are permit holder number, practice designation, and mailing address. The names of professional members or licensees who accept professional responsibility for the practice of the permit holder are also listed. Although, APEGGA's records do contain considerable additional Member information, that information is not made available to the public.

The Membership Register's effective date will be current upon production and included in the disc's introductory section. Plans are to produce on demand, a monthly updated version of the register.

To purchase a CD-ROM version of the Membership Register, please contact the APEGGA office in Edmonton at 1-800-661-7020 or (780) 426-3990 (Sharon Lindgren), in Calgary at (403) 262-7714. The cost is $15.00, plus $3.50 postage and handling for mail order requests in Canada. Payment in advance is required and can be made by cash, cheque, direct debit, VISA or MasterCard



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