November, 2000

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Newly Enrolled RPT (Eng)s
Plowing New Ground


On the eve of our Sept. 21 Council meeting in Medicine Hat, I had the pleasure of welcoming into APEGGA's fold six pioneers -- the first six persons to receive their Registered Professional Technologist (Engineering) licences. Being a pioneer by moving into uncharted territory and by breaking new ground takes courage and determination.

We were pleased that Alberta Minister of Human Resources and Employment Hon. Clint Dunford, MLA, the minister responsible for the EGGP Act, could join Councillors, the new RPT (Eng)s and guests for this historic occasion.

Establishing the RPT (Eng) designation required the dedicated efforts of a number of provincial ministers and officials, as well as those of the Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists (ASET) and APEGGA. If that process called for persistence and dedication, the same has been true for each of the newly six newly installed RPT (Eng)s. I would not suggest that their registration process has been any more thorough or rigorous than the one leading to registration as a P.Eng., P.Geol., or P.Geoph. However, since RPT (Eng)s must receive the blessing of both ASET and APEGGA, their registration procedure entails a few additional steps.

ASET Part of the Process

Those seeking RPT (Eng) standing must submit an application to ASET's Registrar who then forwards it to the ASET Nominating Committee, which in turn decides whether to forward a nomination to APEGGA. Once with APEGGA, a RPT (Eng) nominee is subject to the same APEGGA Board of Examiner procedures and criteria faced by those seeking the designations of P.Eng., P.Geol., Or P.Geoph. That means that RPT (Eng) applicants will be evaluated on the basis of criteria which among other things take into account applicants':

· ability to apply technical and ethical standards and codes in a North America context;
· practical experience;
· demonstrated good character and reputation;
· management and communication skills;
· citizenship (Canadian or landed immigrant);
· English language competence;
· supplying satisfactory references;
· understanding of the societal implications of their work;
· passing the professional the practice examination (the same one written by others seeking professional designation).

Specific Requirements

RPT(Eng.) candidates must meet a number of additional specific requirements, notably:
· current registration with ASET as a Registered Engineering Technologist (R.E.T.);
· six years of work experience of an engineering nature, two of which must be in the applicant's specific area of professional practice and under the supervision and control of a professional member.

As part of their licensure with APEGGA, RPT (Eng)s are granted a defined scope of practice in which they are able to practice independently. Within their defined area of practice, they are able to stamp (using a newly designed stamp which differs from the P.Eng. stamp) and take responsibility for their work.

It should be apparent that those entitled to use the RPT (Eng) designation have earned that right. In short, it's not a back door into APEGGA. Once within the Association, the RPT (Eng)s are bound by APEGGA's rules, including our Code of Ethics and our discipline process. RPT (Eng)s retain their membership in ASET and, as a result, don't also have voting privileges in APEGGA.

Let me reiterate my welcome to the six pioneering Registered Professional Technologist (Eng)s: Wesley Bowler, RPT(Eng); Darrel Drebnisky RPT(Eng); James Patrick, RPT(Eng); Neil Kennedy, RPT(Eng); Derek Hanna, RPT(Eng); and Darryl Shyian, RPT(Eng).

We look forward to the addition of more RPTs, eventually including ones with defined scopes of practice in the geosciences.

Another Pioneering Idea

While on the topic of pioneers, I am intrigued by a suggestion made during a recent Life Members' Dinner in Edmonton. You may be aware that these events honour professional members who recently have obtained life-member standing within the Association. It was suggested that we move beyond a one-shot recognition of our life members by creating something along the lines of an APEGGA (or Life Members) Alumni Association.
I think the idea has merit. It may offer a somewhat more formal means for retired members to maintain professional links they have developed over the course of their careers. It also may provide a very good "bookend" complementing the APEGGA Student Advantage Program, the very successful effort now in its second year and geared toward university students preparing themselves for careers in engineering and the geosciences.

As always, I welcome your suggestions -- whether it be about an APEGGA Alumni Association or other topics.


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