Host Companies Needed
For Lakeland Practicums

Companies that want to support post secondary education and capitalize on youthful energy in their environmental work should consider contacting Vermilion’s Lakeland College, says the practicum coordinator for the Bachelor of Applied Science (Environmental Management).

“We all need someone who can take us on and mentor us,” says Brian Kennedy, P.Eng., P.Ag. And students in the program can also be valuable additions to the engineering team – as well as prospects for future employment, he said.

“Our objective is that the placements be challenging. These are people who are just starting out in their careers. We want them to learn what it means to go out in the field and be the eyes and ears of the professional,” he said.

Graduates normally end up working in monitoring and enforcement, or remediation and reclamation. They’re eligible for membership in the Alberta Society of Engineering Technologists.

Eighteen students will be available for practicums beginning in May. Each of the two practicums in the program is four months long.

Graduates routinely praise the value of the practicum. Says Marc Symbaluk, who graduated in 1998: “Aside from offering a great opportunity to get down and dirty in the industry, the practicum is a very valuable tool for students to utilize in their career planning. It offers a learn-by-doing component to the career program.”

“The experience gained through my work practicum has been irreplaceable,” says Jason Zurkan, a 1999 grad. “I credit a lot of my current success and knowledge to this valuable experience, which I gained in my eights months of hands-on exposure to the environmental sector.”

The practicum isn’t all about the field, however. Each student must prepare a paper on an environmental topic, and it normally covers some aspect of their practicum.

Says Mr. Kennedy: “This is a great chance for APEGGA permit holders to mould the enthusiasm of students to fit the jobs they need done and to fit the industry itself.”

More Info

Brian Kennedy, P.Eng., P.Ag.

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