PEGGasus Market
Development Manager
In the last issue of The PEGG, we told you that by early to
mid-September we would have completed our third beta test
trial of PEGGasus, the Internet marketplace for the delivery
of ongoing professional development.
It has taken us longer than anticipated to complete the final
major piece of functionality, which is the registration and
transaction module. At the time of this writing, however,
the module is complete and needs only user testing.
There are also some software security certificate and APEGGA
internal processes requiring completion. As well, we have
revamped the PEGGasus site appearance to give it a more professional
On the content side, we've been making strides and now have
more than 200 bona fide professional development opportunities
in the PEGGasus database. Included in that number are ones
from Athabasca University, Northern Lakes College, the Banff
Centre, the EPIC Educational Program Innovations Center, Canadian
Professional Management Services Inc. and, of course, APEGGA.
Discussions are ongoing with quite a number of other potential
providers. With some of them we continue to work on developing
a process to automatically input their professional development
opportunities into the PEGGasus database; as a result, their
opportunities are not yet in the system. With providers who
offer fewer opportunities, we are using a manual input process.
Once the mechanized process is in place, we expect the numbers
of opportunities in the system to escalate rapidly.
Numbered among the current list of professional development
opportunities are some supplied by a few of the technical
societies and associations. We would like to take this opportunity
to invite other tech societies and associations to join them
by sending us details of upcoming events for inclusion in
As we move closer to the official introduction of PEGGasus,
we will be sending these groups formal invitations to participate.
However, in the interim, please feel free to send me your
notices of meetings, luncheons, events and seminars at the
e-mail address appearing with this article. Our goal is to
build the content of PEGGasus, so we have a good selection
for all our members at introduction.
When the site is ready for the official introduction, it is
our plan to send all APEGGA members an e-mail invitation to
visit the site with a username and password. In the meantime,
you're welcome to check out the site at
- it is open for limited business.
