Major Conference Highlights Final Year
Of U of C Chair
Keep the Women in Science Momentum Going, Says Dr. Cannon
The end is in sight for a University of Calgary five-year chair geared
to building the presence of women in science and engineering. But its
leader is confident the effects will carry on.
"We've got another 10 months. I think there's a lot we can do to
keep the momentum going," says Dr. Elizabeth Cannon, P.Eng., NSERC/Petro-Canada
Chair for Women in Science and Engineering (Prairie Region).
One of those momentum builders is the hosting of the Prairie Conference
on Women in Science and Engineering, Oct. 26 and 27 at the U o f C, sponsored
in part by APEGGA. Well over 100 people were booked for the conference
by late last month. Dr. Cannon says a wide range of students, speakers
and participants from industry, government, academia, professional associations
and technical societies will make the conference worthwhile.
"And it's not just for women, it's for men and women," says
Dr. Cannon. "In many cases it's men in supervisor roles who support
and encourage women in science and engineering."
Sessions, presentations, meetings and workshops cover an array of issues.
For example, Karen Martinson, P.Eng., and Deborah Wolfe, P.Eng., both
representing the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, are joined
by Dr. Cannon to look at retention of women in engineering programs and
the profession. A personal and professional development session by Karin
Porat, president and principal consultant of KLP Consulting Ltd., explores
staying equal in an unequal world. In a workshop, she facilitates "the
art of the schmooze."
Among other topics are women in leadership, opportunities and benefits
to a graduate degree, successful science and engineering outreach programs,
effective communication, work and family (a roundtable), and attracting
women to academia.
For registration information, contact Marcia Inch at (403) 284-1980.
At U of C the importance of attracting women to science and is well established,
Dr. Cannon says. "We're always working on this. As a faculty, I see
a lot of commitment and resolve."
U of C was the first Canadian university to create a women in engineering
committee, in 1994. Nearly a quarter of the engineering students at U
of C are women. A decade ago that figure was about 10 per cent.