Executive Director & Registrar
In the past 20 years or so, nothing has had greater influence
on our lives and on how we do business than the introduction
of computer technology on a broad scale. So many things we
use daily and now take for granted are controlled by a microchip,
and we don't really appreciate our total dependence on such
things until there is a failure causing interruption of service.
As engineers and geoscientists, we are largely responsible
for the introduction of this technology and for the impact
it has had on society generally. The wide use of the Internet
and of e-mail has impacted the huge majority of our population
and changed the way we do business. It has opened up the world
to commerce and made the global community far more accessible
to everyone.
What's Your Address?
Strangely though, even though the vast majority of APEGGA
members use the Internet and e-mail on a daily basis, there
seems to be a reluctance to communicate directly with APEGGA
on a mass scale. As developers of this technology we should
also be on the leading edge and our professional association
should take maximum advantage of it.
Yet only about 46 per cent of our members have provided us
with their e-mail address. Undoubtedly this is, at least in
part, out of fear of receiving even more "spam"
mail than each of us already receives. We share these concerns
and will do whatever we can to avoid making the problem even
Spam is a major problem that the industry is trying to overcome
and that we are all concerned about. However, that should
not deter us from reaping the advantages that this technology
can provide.
The Pros of Listserve
Many associations use a listserve to communicate with members
and to provide and receive essential information. This can
result in substantial savings compared to the time and costs
of producing and mailing hard copies of information to members
and it has the added advantage of instant delivery no matter
in which part of the world our members might be at the time.
Recently, APEGGA has had experience in trying out the listserve
concept in a limited way, using some of the e-mail addresses
that we do have. The response rate in each case was several
times higher than similar mailings using conventional methods,
and much faster. This is indeed a powerful tool that we just
cannot afford to ignore.
Many members have expressed a preference for receiving information
electronically and some have suggested that The PEGG might
be available in this format as well. Note that the highlights
are currently available on the APEGGA website.
APEGGA will be investigating the best way to distribute and
receive various kinds of information during the coming weeks
with a view to using the technology currently available in
the most effective and efficient way. To do this we will need
your cooperation. We will need you to immediately provide
us with your e-mail address if you haven't already done so.
We will be asking you what information you would like to receive
electronically and you will be given the opportunity to indicate
that you do not wish to receive certain things or none at
all. Information to be circulated in this way will be carefully
controlled and kept to an absolute minimum and every possible
step will be taken to guard against unauthorized use of your
e-mail address. Protection of your privacy will be foremost.
website Upgrades Possible
We are also considering additional upgrades of the website
to provide opportunities for dialogue and to provide a wider
range of information to those who need or wish to access it.
Through all these efforts we will strive to provide greater
value to members and permit holders through ease of access
to information on a timely and efficient basis and ease of
access to products, services and programs. Greater input from
members resulting from these initiatives will be of huge benefit
to Council and staff in determining how we can best meet the
needs of our professions and, ultimately, the public we are
duty bound to protect.
Please help us to serve you by sending your e-mail address
today to