July, 2000

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APEGGA Members Have
Relatives Among New Grads

A number of APEGGA members responded to The PEGG's request to forward names of family members who recently graduated from university engineering or geoscience programs. The PEGG salutes the graduates and their families. They are:

*Charlena Fong, daughter of Peter Fong, P.Eng., graduated with a B.Sc. in electrical engineering from University of Alberta.

* Robyn Miller, daughter of Cecil Miller, P.Eng., graduated with a B.Sc. in materials engineering from the University of Alberta.

* Carolyn L. Douey, daughter of Bryan L. Douey, P.Eng., graduated from University of Calgary with a degree in chemical engineer, with a minor in petroleum engineering.

* Jason Mukherjee, E.I.T., son of Souren Mukherjee, P.Eng., has successfully completed his doctorate in engineering from the U of C.

* Chad Van Buskirk, son of Colin Van Buskirk , P.Eng., recently completed his studies with the first co-op class in environmental engineering at the U of A.

* Lillian Dai, daughter of Dr. Liming Dai, P.Eng., graduated with a B.Sc. in electrical engineering from the U of C.

* Blair C. Jackson, E.I.T., son of Donald L. Jackson, P.Eng., has received his master of chemical engineering degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

* Scott Ragan, son of W.D. (Bill) Ragan, P.Eng., has graduated in manufacturing engineering at the U of C.

* Joanna Dawn Williams, E.I.T., who obtained her master of science in chemical engineering degree from the University of Calgary, is the sister of Daniel Barclay Williams, P.Eng., and the daughter of Harold H. Williams, P.Geol.

* Aaron Jones, E.I.T., son of J. A. Jones, P.Eng., graduated in electrical engineering from the U. of A.

* Scott Michael Pfeifer, son of Brian J, Pfeifer, P.Eng., received a B.Sc. in environmental earth sciences from the U of A.

* Bernard Trevor, E.I.T., son of the late Brian James Trevor, P.Eng., graduated in civil engineering from the U of A.

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