Western Wood Truss Association
Adopts Code of Standard Practice
Responding to needs of the specifying community, members of the Western
Wood Truss Association of Alberta (WWTA) voted with a two-thirds majority
to accept a Code of Standard Practice for wood truss manufacturers. The
full text of the Code is now posted on the WWTA website: westernwoodtrussab.com.
Thirty-two out of a possible 36 truss manufacturing plants in Alberta
are members of the association. The member companies produce well over
90 per cent of trusses used in the province.
The purpose of the Code of Standard Practice is to ensure that all WWTA
members adhere to the highest standards in the industry. It also clarifies
the relationships and responsibilities between the truss fabricator, specifying
community and installation contractors. The code covers all facets of
the truss development process from design to proper installation. The
manufacturers have endeavoured to define the tasks that are under their
control, such as component design, manufacturing, marking, documentation
and delivery. They also provide a positive influence on the tasks of others
that includes product specification and installation.
The industry has agreed to strict quality control guidelines leading
to plant certification. The certificate will be re-issued yearly subject
to an on-going audit and the list of certified plants will be posted on
the Internet. Implementation of the code will lead to increased involvement
of truss design professional engineers in the production plants.
The specifiers can be assured of quality controlled structural wood trusses
by specifying that trusses are manufactured by a plant certified under
WWTA program, keeping in mind that it will take about six months to certify
all participating plants. The association encourages the consultants to
use the industry generic specification that can be downloaded from the
WWTA website.
The code requires that certified manufacturers adhere to industry best
practices relating to the design, fabrication and erection of wood trusses.
These practices will be kept current to reflect evolving technological
advances in the industry.