2000 Summit Award Winners
(Tony) Howard, P.Eng.
Tony Howard was born in Montreal and graduated
from McGill University in 1964 with a B.Sc. in engineering, and obtained
his MBA in 1966 from Stanford University.
His career started with Montreal Engineering
in 1966, where he worked as a junior engineer and finally site commissioning
engineer on a thermal power facility for the Saskatchewan Power Corporation.
He was seconded for two years to the Corporate Planning Branch of the
Federal Ministry of Transport in Ottawa. His experience also includes
several aviation and agricultural projects in Jamaica, Colombia and Afghanistan.
He transferred to TransAlta Utilities in 1982 and eventually became director
of marketing and vice-president of energy supply systems for TransAlta
Energy Systems, a TransAlta Utilities subsidiary. He transferred in late
1990 to Monenco AGRA, where he was responsible for marketing and business
development for the firm in the power and process lines of business. Mr.
Howard joined Stantec Consulting in 1997 and is manager, industrial, in
Stantec’s Calgary office.
Mr. Howard served on APEGGA’s Convention
Planning Committee from 1981 to1985, and as a councillor from 1987 to1990.
He continued his activities as a member of the Enforcement Review Committee
from 1988 to 1992, the Executive Committee from 1992 to 1994, Self-Governance
Coordinating Committee and as first vice-president in 1992-93. Mr. Howard
assumed the APEGGA presidency in 1993-94, and has since served on the
Nominating Committee. Currently, he is a director of The APEGGA Education
Foundation and an alternate warden of Camp 18 of the Corporation of Seven