APEGGA's Journey Continues
Through My Year As Your President
I have probably spoken this year with more members of our professions
than I will in any other 12-month period in my life. I have met them at
all the predictable
places -- petrochemical plants, oil company offices and in consulting
firms. But I was also reminded of many other settings, be they banks,
schools and hospitals, or even the entertainment industry, where APEGGA
members are employed.
We still face the paradox of our professions. Our presence is pervasive,
but the impact of our contributions remains generally unknown to members
of the public.
Profile Raised
APEGGA continues to look for ways to raise the profile of our professions
and to communicate an understanding of the value we provide to a wide
range of stakeholders. The Association has, for example, taken deliberate
steps to support the needs of Alberta's business community. They include
working closer with community groups and trade organizations, such as
chambers of commerce.
Also of significance to business are the Association's efforts to improve
mobility, working with other provincial associations, the national engineering
and geoscience bodies, as well as with American regulatory authorities
in the Pacific Northwest of the United States.
Government Connections
We continue to promote trusting, working relationships with government
at various levels. This effort is continuous and dynamic, as governments
shift their priorities and structures.
As a result of realignments within the provincial government, our act
now falls under the purview of Alberta Human Resources and Employment.
Such changes often require developing a relationship with a new minister
and ensuring departmental officials appreciate how a self-governing association
like ours serves and protects the public. The department's understanding
of APEGGA led to the minister's invitation to me to chair his Committee
on Parental Leave, in January of this year.
Enforcement and Compliance
One of our roles is ensuring that engineering, geological and geophysical
activities in Alberta are carried out by competent professionals, licensed
by APEGGA.. This past year, the Association has used new approaches to
convey to geoscientists, engineers and the general public the importance
of relying on qualified persons.
Specifically, APEGGA launched an advertising campaign to raise awareness
about hiring properly licensed professionals.
PD Gains Acceptance
The vast majority of our members now view APEGGA's Continuing Professional
Development Program not as a burden but as a means of reassuring those
we serve that our professional and technical knowledge remains current.
I am particularly pleased about APEGGA's planned involvement in PEGGasus,
to develop an engineering and earth sciences online learning marketplace.
A National Presence
Other associations are watching developments regarding PEGGasus. It provides
yet another example of how APEGGA continues to take a leadership role
not only within Alberta but also nationally. Members from our ranks play
a prominent role in the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers and
the Canadian Council of Professional Geoscientists.
In Conclusion
It has been an honour serving as president of this vibrant and busy association.
The task has been made easier by the support from Council and APEGGA staff.
I particularly want to acknowledge our exceptional Executive Director
Neil Windsor, P.Eng.
I appreciated the encouragement I received from APEGGA's volunteers and
its general membership. I urge you to do the same for my successor, Dale
Miller, P.Eng., and I know that he will thoroughly enjoy the upcoming
presidential duties.
My employer, Klohn Crippen Consultants Ltd., has been very supportive
in contributing the costs of my time to the professions. My colleagues
and clients have also given welcome support and understanding throughout
the past year.
On a personal note, I'd like to especially thank Tisha, Rhiannon, Bryan
and my close friends. Their confidence in me is, and always will be, very
special. Thank you.