Terri-Jane Yuzda


Stipulated Order



Editor's Note: APEGGA Council requires that The PEGG publish Discipline Committee decisions. Following are the details of a stipulated order of October 23, 2003, involving the above.


During the course of an investigation conducted by APEGGA’s Investigative Committee into the conduct of Amirali Jamal Visnani, P.Eng., concerning services provided to Teddy Bear Daycare of Edmonton, Alberta, Mr. Visnani had freely and voluntarily admitted and agreed with the attached facts and findings presented by the Investigative Committee.

Since Mr. Visnani has admitted to conduct that constitutes unprofessional conduct, there is no need to refer the matter to the Discipline Committee for a formal hearing. In accordance with Section 52 of the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act, APEGGA’s Investigative Committee is recommending the attached orders that it considers appropriate.

As the case manager designated by the Discipline Committee to review the matter, Rick Imai, P.Eng., agrees with those orders. During his discussion of the orders with Mr. Visnani, Mr. Visnani confirmed that he, also, agrees with the orders.

Therefore, in accordance with Section 52 of the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act, the orders have the same force and effect as if they had been made by the Discipline Committee following a formal hearing.

As a result of its investigation and based on the evidence and information that had come to the attention of the Investigative Committee, the Investigative Committee proposes the following.


1. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., was , at all material times, a member in good standing with APEGGA.

2. In March, 2003 APEGGA received a complaint from the City of Edmonton Safety Codes Officer regarding the conduct of Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng.

3. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., although registered as a member, did not engage in the practice of engineering between 1989 and 1998. His professional experience did not include structural engineering. In 1998 he applied for and received life membership status with APEGGA, which he has maintained to the present.

4. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., was part owner of a daycare in North Edmonton which operated and leased space on the basement level of a walk-up apartment building. In January and February 2003, Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., submitted plans to the City of Edmonton in support of an application for a building permit to renovate and expand the day care’s space. Notwithstanding that he was a life member at the time, the plans he submitted bore the professional seal of Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng. The building permit was approved by the City of Edmonton.

5. The proposed work to be done included the removal of several walls in the daycare’s space. Prior to commencing the work, Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng. undertook a cursory investigation of the building structure to determine the placement of beams and other structural elements. His investigation included the observation of a beam in one location only. He then assumed the other structural elements.

6. The demolition/renovation work commenced on Wednesday, March 5, 2003, by a contractor working under the supervision of Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng. The work proceeded until March 8, 2003, at which time it was noted that the ceiling was deflecting. A tenant in the suite above complained to the building manager that the floor in her suite was deflecting, which deflection was caused by the removal of load-bearing walls under the supervision of Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng.

7. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., initiated steps to stabilize the structure by replacing studs, however the building owner/manager directed him to cease work and to leave the premises. The structure was stabilized under the supervision of a professional engineer selected by the owner and paid for voluntarily by Mr. Visnani.

8. The City of Edmonton Safety Codes Officer attended in response to the complaint by the tenant, at which time remedial work had already commenced.


1. That the conduct of Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng, constitutes unskilled practice of the profession and unprofessional conduct in the following respects:

a. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., did not give proper consideration for the possible consequences of his actions and created a situation that was potentially dangerous. His conduct resulted in property damage and risked serious injury and death, all by violating APEGGA Code of Ethics Rule of Conduct #1;

b. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., engaged in the practice of structural engineering without training or experience to do so, thereby constituting breach of APEGGA Code of Ethics Rule of Conduct #2.

c. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., engaged in professional practice at a time when he knew or ought to have known that he should not be engaging in the practice of engineering as a life member, thereby constituting breach of APEGGA Code of Ethics Rule of Conduct #10.


1. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., be reprimanded for unskilled practice of the profession of engineering.

2. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., be reprimanded for unprofessional conduct.

3. Amir J. Visnani, P.Eng., be reprimanded for engaging in the practice of engineering when not entitled to do so by virtue of his registration status.


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