For more than 20 years Ernest C. Manning Innovation Awards
have been going to Canada's best innovators, so it's no surprise
that money from the not-for-profit organization often ends
up in the hands of APEGGA members.
The 2002 distribution included an innovation award to permit
holder SMART Technologies Ltd. of Calgary for its interactive
whiteboard system. And the year before, BW Technologies of
Calgary received an innovation award for its Gas Alert family
of zero-maintenance detectors for monitoring hazardous gases.
Awards worth $160,000 reached Canadian innovators in 2002,
thanks to the privately financed Ernest C. Manning Awards
Foundation, as well as the people and companies that contribute
to it. The 2003 search is now under way, with nominations
closing Feb. 17.
The program will present a principal award worth $100,000,
an award of distinction worth $25,000, and two $10,000 innovation
awards to Canadians who have conceived, developed and marketed
new procedures, processes or products of benefit to Canada.
"Ideas big and small that have been developed into a
marketable product are rewarded," says a Manning Awards
news release. Nominees must be Canadian citizens resident
in Canada.
Mr. Manning was Alberta's longest-serving premier. His seven
terms of office coincided with Alberta's longest sustained
economic boom, the awards website says.
The Manning Innovation Awards
2900, 421 7th Ave. S.W.
Calgary T2P 4K9
tel. (403) 645-8277
fax 403) 645-8320