October 2001

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Acts of Terror Make This Column
A Tough One to Write

President, APEGGA Education Foundation

As I sit here trying to compose an article to meet a Sept. 15 deadline, news coverage continues almost exclusively on the horrific events of terrorism in New York City and Washington. It is hard to write an article on local charity when charitable efforts and thoughts are needed on so vast a scale there.

It is hoped that bringing perpetrators to justice will replace wishes for retribution, and a cycle of violence will be avoided which could draw in good citizens of other races and cultures. In the meantime my prayers go to the victims and my sympathy to the loved ones they leave behind.

I wished here, though, to talk about giving, giving of money, time, and ideas, here at home.

In the July PEGG, I suggested a short-term goal of an average donation of $2 per member. As of July 31, individual donations totalled $17,156. (unaudited). This is nicely ahead of last year but leaves a big gap to fill to reach a target of about $50,000. I said before that people who give do give generously. What is needed now is to get more individuals to donate. The Foundation's board is starting also to look at ways to reach major donors so we can build a suitable endowment fund.

In the September PEGG, you will have seen our advertisement, Volunteers Wanted. There are tasks that need doing so we can move up to a higher level of activity. The tasks relate to fundraising, to improving our administrative tools, to finding our niche in this great area of scholarships, and to preparing to take over scholarship candidate selection. I hope some of you will be moved to give of your time in this way.

On our website tab, we have a small column called "opinions wanted." It attempts in an unscientific way to get member views on controversial topics that will help give our Board guidance as we move ahead. We need greater participation to give more meaningful interpretation.

A letter is also going out to Foundation members asking them to help us determine a meaningful role and structure for the Foundation. APEGGA members can also help by giving ideas on this. So, giving of ideas is also sought.

In a PEGG issue later this year, I'll give an update on gifts of money, time and ideas we have received.

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