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The PEGG July 1999 |
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Nova Chemicals is in the midst of a major expansion to add an ethylene, polyethylene and congeneration plant at its Joffre site near Red Deer. Check pages 1 and 12 for a feature report on the NOVA construction and also on work under way at the nearby Union Carbide Canada location at Prentiss. Sherwood Park Resident Guilty of 11 Violations of EGGP Act / 1 A criminal prosecution under the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act has resulted in Sherwood Park man, Dennis Edward Huculak, 36, being found guilty by a provincial court judge on 11 charges of unlawful representation, resulting in a fine of $5,500 or six months in jail. Darrel Danyluk's column focuses on the results of a recent APEGGA strategic planning session and on how the Association remains relevant. On page 11, Executive Director Neil Windsor, P.Eng., also writes about relevancy. Signing of an inter-provincial mobility agreement was a highlight at the Canadian Council of Professional Engineersı recent annual meeting in Yellowknife. Letters / 4 APEGGA Council agreed at its June meeting to create a new Summit Award to recognize Association Members who have made outstanding contributions to education. APEGGAıs internal policy on workplace discrimination could prove useful to other employers.< APEGGA Council has approved a statement on climate change. Enrolment in Canadian undergraduate engineering programs is increasing says a Canadian Council of Professional Engineers survey. Ed Stelmach, is the new minister responsible for the EGGP Act. Beverley Monkman, P.Eng., has died in Vancouver. Donald G. Laplante Victim of Leukemia/ 6 Donald G. Laplante, P.Eng., former executive director of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, has died as a result of leukemia. The PEGG publishes the second part of a two-part series on electronic stamping. PETSOC & CSPG Get Together/ 8 Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists and the Petroleum Society of CIM hold a joint convention. Allen Williams Leads CEA/ 8 Allen Williams, P.Eng., of Edmonton, is the new president of the Consulting Engineers of Alberta. Internship and Co-op Report/ 9 The PEGG reports on efforts by engineering and earth science departments at Albertaıs major universities to provide students work experience through co-op and internship programs. U of A News/ 9 A Rockies Introduction/ 10 A group of geoscientists wants to make the public more familiar with the geological history of the Bow Valley and Canmore area. VR Stepping Into New Dimensions/ 10 SGIıs Reality Centre puts people right in the middle of multi-dimensional computer data. APEGGA Executive Director's Notes/ 11 World Watch/ 11 News on a unique bridge design is among the items drawn from the international engineering and geoscience media. Richard Hancock Heads CCPE/ 11 Richard Hancock, P.Eng., is the new Chair of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers. Union Carbide Expands/12 NOVA Chemicals is joined in the expansion business by Union Carbide now building a new $320-million polyethylene plant at Prentiss. Keeping Women In Engineering/ 13 Sociologists Gillian Ransonıs research provides new insight on why male and female engineers stay in or leave the profession.> In the News/ 14 BW Technologies Detects Opportunities/ 15 Calgary-based BW Technologies Ltd. is finding a worldwide market for its gas-detection technology. Calgary Set For Major Meetings /16 Calgary gets ready for next yearıs World Petroleum Congress and GeoCanada 2000. Have Your Say/ 17 Don't Give Up On Y2K/ 17 Y2K is close but donıt throw up your arms, a consultant says. Will Rossdale Sink or Sail?/ 18 Edmontonıs Rossdale power plant, once a generating jewel, faces an uncertain future. Edmonton Encourages Continuing Education/ 19 APEGGA Womenıs Club 50th Anniversary/ 19 Registration/ 20-21 North Sun Conference/ 22 APEGGA Calendar/ 23 Service Brings Doug Rogan Rewards/ 24 APEGGA Community Service Award recipient Doug Rogan, P.Eng., sees time spent on community causes complementing, not detracting from his professional success.
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