National Engineering Week
"Engineering -- Anything's Possible!"
This year's theme for National Engineering Week (March 4-12), "Engineering
-- Anything's Possible!" holds the promise of the future of the profession.
There have been significant contributions made by engineers in the past
-- from harnessing energy to tripping the light fantastic on the information
highway. It's exciting just to think about how far society's progressed.
It's even more exciting to think about where we might be in the next few
National Engineering Week is organized by the Canadian
Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE), the Engineering Institute of
Canada, the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada, the Canadian
Academy of Engineering, and provincial engineering and geoscience associations.
Special events and activities are planned across the country to raise
the profile of the engineering profession. In Alberta, the event is co-ordinated
For the fourth year, APEGGA is working with the Edmonton Journal and
Calgary Herald to produce a supplement highlighting the accomplishments
of Alberta's engineers, geologists and geophysicists. Reaching more than
700,000 households in Alberta, the supplement will hit the streets on
March 2. Advertising from APEGGA members, permit holders, and employers
of APEGGA professionals supports the production of this promotional publication.
APEGGA sponsors the Edmonton
Science Olympics, being held Saturday, March 11 at the Shaw Conference
Centre. More than 500 students will compete in an interschool challenge
where teams attempt to solve problems and test science principles. The
Science Olympics is branching out -- two more events will be held during
National Engineering Week in Fort McMurray and Brooks. Look for additional
information in the March issue of The PEGG.
Throughout the province, APEGGA volunteers will be visiting classrooms
to talk about engineering and the geosciences, organizing science nights,
mall displays and other events, as well as working with other science-based
organizations to promote the professions.
For more information or to find out how you can get involved, check
out APEGGA's website at
or contact APEGGA public affairs officers Tracy Sopkow (Edmonton) at (780)
426-3990 or 1-800-661-7020 and Stacey Andrews (Calgary) at (403) 262-7714.