The following procedures are recommended in respect to the Engineer's responsibilities in preparing, inspecting, and certifying a PWF design.


a) Review current Codes

b) Determine site grades and subsoil conditions.

c) Review architectural plan to identify:

(i) unbalanced backfills
(ii) window openings
(iii) stairwell location(s)
(iv) garage pad elevation
(v) drops or raised areas in subfloors
(vi) brick veneer locations
(vii) basement wall heights
(viii) other relevant components


a) The Engineer should ensure that the drawings, specifications, and framing details prepared for a PWF are explicit enough to be understood by the builder.

b) A site and building specific drawing must be prepared for each foundation. It should show the following information:

(i) location of foundation with respect to property boundaries or be referenced to another drawing which provides that information.

(ii) outside dimensions of the foundation wall.

(iii) typical vertical section(s) through the foundation wall showing floor elevations and the elevation at bottom of footing, or equivalent detail.

(iv) portions of the foundation for which each detail design applies.

(v) maximum backfill heights

c) Special framing details required around stairwells, window openings and dropped or raised floors should be detailed on the drawings.

d) Drainage material, nail-fastening connection specifications, dampproofing requirement, lumber specifications and backfill material specifications shall all be shown on the drawings or in the specifications.

e) The Engineer responsible for design should review the drawings and specifications with the Client prior to start of construction.

f) The site specific drawing must bear the seal of the Design Engineer, signature and date it was sealed, and where applicable, the permit stamp of the firm preparing the design.


(a) An Engineer, or a suitably qualified person working under the direction of an Engineer, must examine the completed construction of the PWF project to confirm that it has been constructed in accordance with the intent of the drawings and specifications. The inspection may be performed by, or under the supervision of, an Engineer who is not the design engineer.

(b) If the inspecting Engineer is not also the Design Engineer, he/she should examine the drawings and specific details of the PWF prior to visiting the site. Any uncertainty concerning the design or details must be resolved through discussion with the Design Engineer.

(c) The inspecting Engineer must not accept or approve any changes in the design of the PWF without notifying the Design Engineer.