This Appendix of Rates apply to Laboratory Testing Services conducted in support of Geotechnical or Materials Engineering assignments. The rate structure includes the validation of the Laboratory Test result(s) by a Professional Engineer. The reporting of these results will present all data in a manner consistent with the requirements of the generally accepted testing designations (ie. ASTM, ACI, CSA, ASME, etc.) and follow formats currently being utilized by the consulting industry. Where a specialized format, presentation or interpretation is required, fee remuneration different than those listed in this schedule may be applicable. Where consulting services are provided by a Professional Engineer at the request of a Client, these services are typically performed on a time basis as described previously in this Guideline. Good practice would dictate that the Consultant so advise the Client when this occurs.

The unit rate guideline is intended to specify the rate for a single Laboratory Test for a single sample received at the Testing Laboratory. It follows that the rates for multiple Laboratory Testing and/or larger sample lots can be negotiated in such a manner that there would be no effect on the level of service or quality.

This Appendix is specifically intended to be a fee GUIDE for both the seller of engineering services and the buyer. It is intended to represent a practical rate for each test based on normal circumstances and average working conditions.

This unit rate guideline recognizes specific testing procedures as per generally accepted Standards. For each test, the Professional Engineering component, the technical classification and the time element is defined such that the required level and/or quality of service can be accomplished. This Appendix lists some Laboratory Test items that cannot be so defined and these testing services would be conducted on a time basis plus disbursements as previously outlined.

The use of the unit rate guideline is discretionary and is applicable to the 1989 and 1990 calendar years. It does not attempt to provide for unusual circumstances such as short-term assignments or difficult sample or testing instances. Members may adjust rates in accordance with the specific circumstance or contractual arrangement.


Appendix B



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