Link Overview:
1.0 INTRODUCTION For the purpose of determining an appropriate fee basis, consulting services for general engineering projects are divided into the following categories: 1. Consultative and Advisory Services 1.1 CATEGORY 1 — CONSULTATIVE AND ADVISORY SERVICES Examples of this category are: 1. Expert testimony 1.2 CATEGORY 2 — PRE-DESIGN SERVICES These consist of services to establish requirement for design, including but not limited to: 1. Investigation 1.3 CATEGORY 3 — DETAILED DESIGN SERVICES These services follow the establishment of project requirements described in Category 2 and consist of the preparation of engineering designs, drawings, specifications and contract documents. They generally include the following: 1. Preparation of preliminary sketches, resolution
of detailed problems, equipment selection and development of specification
AND These services consist of contract administration and periodic field visits during the construction period following the award of contract. They include the following: 1. Administration of the contract This service is distinct and separate from the services provided by field personnel and is in no way to be considered as a substitute for, or assumption of the responsibilities of Resident Engineering services.
DURING These services consist of supplying resident staff on the project to determine if the Contractor is carrying out the work in general conformance with the contract documents, and to assist in administering the contract. If required by the Client, Resident Engineering services should include the recording of all details of construction for the preparation of record drawings. Resident Engineering services may include items such as: 1. Survey layout and construction staking where this is not a Contractor responsibility 2. Quantity measurement and records 3. Inspection of construction for compliance with the drawings and specifications and communication with: • the Contractor regarding deficiencies in the work • the Consultant representative responsible for Contract Administration and Engineering Review During Construction • the Client regarding matters of direct interest or concern 4. Records of changes from design arising during construction 5. Field resolution of construction problems and administration of extra work in consultation with the Client representative The services described above do not include the direction
of Contractor personnel in methods, scheduling or equipment selection
except as may be specifically prescribed in the contract documents,
since these are normally a Contractor responsibility. 1.6 CATEGORY 6 — POST CONSTRUCTION SERVICES The services in this Category vary in scope and detail according to the needs of the Client and should be described in the scope of the assignment. They include but are not limited to: 1. Commissioning and start-up assistance 2. Preparation of Operation Manual 3. Preparation of record drawings 4. Determination of deficiencies during the guarantee period and final acceptance documentation at its expiry
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