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Your Assistance Please

We’re looking for a few volunteers to help us with user testing of the PEGGasus system as it moves into its beta trial at the end of June. PEGGasus is an interactive Internet website designed to assist Members in meeting their obligations within the APEGGA continuing professional development program. Development of the website is a joint project of APEGGA, the University of Alberta, the NRC and Terra Prime Development Corporation. For more information on PEGGasus, visit our website at www.PEGGasus.ca.

The commitment we’re requesting from you will require about a half-hour of your time on four different occasions during July and August, and will involve:

  • testing system functionality
  • providing feedback on navigation
  • providing feedback on ease of use/instructions
  • providing feedback on site appearance
  • your suggestions for improving the website and the system

The activity can be done at your convenience and will only require an Internet connection. If you have the time and desire to assist us on this important project, please send your name and e-mail address to peggasus@apegga.org.





Copyright © 2003 The Association of Professional
Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta.
All rights reserved

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APEGGA 1500 Scotia One
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Fax: 780.426.1877
E-mail: email@apegga.org

Calgary Office
2200, Scotia Centre
700 2nd Street SW
Calgary, AB T2P 2W1
Fax: 403.269.2787