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Serving the Public Interest

The protection and safety of the public remains the paramount responsibility of APEGGA. Technical competence, ethical conduct, integrity and the ability to place the benefits to society above personal considerations are the hallmarks of professionalism.

Engineers, geologists and geophysicists adopt excellence as a fundamental goal and govern themselves according to the practice standards and code of ethics outlined by their professional association.

Strength in Membership
In Alberta engineers, geologists and geophysicists use their expertise in such areas as resource development, construction, public works, transportation, agriculture, communication, information technologies, manufacturing, processing, etc. The diversity of talent represent in membership can be seen through the vital contribution made towards improving and maintaining the quality of life inside and outside of Alberta. Permit holders are competing on the world stage with a high measure of success. Numerous challenging projects have been carried out by Alberta-based firms, and the expertise of APEGGA's members is widely recognized. Alberta knowledge-based industries are becoming well regarded as a significant component of Alberta's export.

APEGGA's membership services are designed to enhance professional and personal development.

Examples of these services include
· seminars
· meetings
· salary survey
· employment service
· achievement awards

Spanning the Province
The association's head office is located in Edmonton and an administrative office is in Calgary. Nine branches are active in major centres throughout Alberta:

· Peace River
· Yellowhead
· Lakeland
· Central Alberta
· Calgary
· Lethbridge
· Vermilion
· Fort McMurray
· Medicine Hat

The branches reach out to both members and the public through various networking opportunities. They support and promote association activities in their respective areas.

People Behind the Organization

· An elected Council of 17 professional members including three public representatives appointed by the government directs Association affairs.

· Five hundred member volunteers, working on committees and boards, and more than 40 permanent staff support the organization.

· APEGGA is accountable to the Government of Alberta through the Minister of Human Resources and Employment.

Life Long Learning

Ongoing professional development is essential in this world of rapidly changing practice in order to provide assurances to the public and to government that members have maintained their technical and professional competencies. To keep learning, not just about their specialized areas or disciplines but also keeping abreast of development affecting the wider professional environment is key to remaining competitive in a global market. APEGGA is providing leadership in the professional development area for members.

In the Community

APEGGA members are actively involved in the community, in various committees and in community leagues. They volunteer for both community activities and association events.
Through our outreach program, APEGGA members go to schools to demonstrate science and math principles and act as judges for science fairs and science Olympics.

· Outreach informs young people of opportunities in engineering, geology and geophysics.

· Outreach tries to develop an awareness of how these professions affect our daily lives and inspire an interest in the students to pursue careers in engineering, geology and geophysics.

Committed to educating the public about the professions, APEGGA formally introduces post-secondary students to their future profession, while information on career opportunities in science and technology is readily available to young people at the junior high and senior high school levels. At the elementary school level, the association motivates and excites students about science and math through in-class demonstrations and discussions.

· APEGGA sponsors teacher award programs, Science Olympics competitions, math contests and regional science fairs.

· APEGGA allocates in funds annually to The APEGGA Education Foundation for scholarships.

· APEGGA is a member of the Excellence in Education Foundation.

· APEGGA is also a member of the Chamber of Commerce in Edmonton, Calgary and Red Deer.