(established pursuant to
section 19(1)(j)of the
Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions
Professional engineers, geologists
and geophysicists shall recognize that professional
ethics is founded upon integrity, competence,
dignity and devotion to service. This concept
shall guide their conduct at all times
Rules of Conduct
1 Professional engineers, geologists
and geophysicists shall, in their areas of practice,
hold paramount the health, safety and welfare
of the public and have regard for the environment.
2 Professional engineers, geologists
and geophysicists shall undertake only work
that they are competent to perform by virtue
of their training and experience.
3 Professional engineers, geologists
and geophysicists shall conduct themselves with
integrity, honesty, fairness and objectivity
in their professional activities.
4 Professional engineers, geologists
and geophysicists shall comply with applicable
statutes, regulations and bylaws in their professional
5 Professional engineers, geologists
and geophysicists shall uphold and enhance the
honour, dignity and reputation of their professions
and thus the ability of the professions to serve
the public interest.