Thursday, March 27, 2025



The issuing of Permits to Practice to practicing companies is an important element of APEGGA's obligation to regulate the professions. Many Responsible Members named on those Permits tell us that they are unsure of their responsibilities. A seminar, where members can discuss these obligations, appears to be the most effective way to clarify the roles.

The Government of Alberta has approved an amendment to the Regulations accompanying the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act to make attendance at a seminar mandatory for each Responsible Member from every permit holding company at least once very five years. Options to accommodate firms with large numbers of Responsible Members will be discussed at the sessions. APEGGA will be holding these seminars at our conference centres in Edmonton and Calgary regularly starting this fall, and will be scheduling seminars in other centres.


Q. Is there a cost to attend one of these seminars?
A. No.

Q. How soon must I attend one of the seminars?
A. Responsible members for existing permit holding companies must attend within the next five years. Responsible members for new permit holding companies must attend in the first six months of being issued a permit to practice.

Q. How often must I attend a permit to practice seminar?
A. At least once every five years.

Q. What if I cannot attend one of the seminars noted below.
A. Watch for the new dates to be posted on our Web site.

Q: Is APEGGA going to hold any seminars outside of Edmonton and Calgary?
A: An electronic version of the Permit to Practice Seminar has been created and is ready for distribution in CD-ROM format. The CD-ROM consists of a narrated version of the slide presentation and PDF copies of the handout materials. Viewing this material and completing the included declaration will satisfy your requirement for attendance. You are still encouraged to attend one of the Edmonton or Calgary sessions if your schedule permits, and seminars can be arranged at any location in Alberta with a confirmed attendance of 20 or more Responsible Members and Chief Operating Officers.

To arrange to have a Permit to Practice Seminar CD-ROM sent to you, please complete the standard registration form with "CD-ROM" entered in the "Preferred City" field.