Students enrolled
in a Masters or PhD program do NOT qualify for this membership.
Resume Referral Service
APEGGA will forward the resumes of qualified members to employers who have specified
their requirements. This service also provides limited free space in The PEGG
and on the Association's website. Close to 200 members find jobs using this service
Salary Survey
APEGGA's annual salary survey is complied to provide a snapshot of industry compensation
rates. For more info, contact APEGGA toll free @ 1-800-661-7020 or click here.
Student Mixers
Meet members-in-training and professional members of APEGGA, as well as members
of local technical societies, at networking events hosted by the Association.
These events will help you keep in touch with what's happening in the working
world, and enable you to meet future contacts and employers. Click here to check
out the APEGGA Calendar.