To enhance and provide leadership and support in the education and development of engineers, geologists and geophysicists, and those who wish to enter the professions.
The APEGGA Education Foundation
Encourages and assists educational institutions in defining the educational
needs of the professions of engineering, geology and geophysics, and in developing
and delivering educational programs.
Encourages and assists students, teachers and educational institutions by providing financial assistance and/or awards.
Encourages and assists with the interaction between industry and educational
institutions at both a corporate and individual level.
The APEGGA Education Foundation serves the professions of engineering, geology
and geophysics by meeting these objectives through assembling and managing funds,
building endowments, encouraging voluntary donations, distributing funds for
scholarships and awards and support of special projects.
The APEGGA Education Foundation was established in 1996 as a registered charitable organization. One of its mandates is to support those activities of the Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA), which are aimed at enhancing the education and development of its members and potential members.
Academic fees have been increasing, placing additional burdens on the students in engineering, geology and geophysics, to support the furthering of education in these professions. The APEGGA Education Foundation facilitates the donation of funds for educational purposes from members, businesses and other interested parties. APEGGA currently provides about $80,000 per year to the Foundation for funding of the APEGGA scholarship and awards program.
The Foundation is separate and distinct from APEGGA. It is registered under the Societies Act (Alberta) and with Revenue Canada. The Foundation is governed by a Board of Directors elected from its members.
The Foundation solicits funds for the following activities:
Funding the existing scholarship and awards program and expanding and increasing the funding of these awards.
Furthering professional development of engineers, geologists and geophysicists.
Supporting Canadians pursuing careers in engineering, geology and geophysics.
Building an endowment fund.
Supporting projects and activities that foster an interest in science and technology.
Enhancing the Professional Development Program.
Donations made to The APEGGA Education Foundation are income tax deductible (Reg. No. 88589-6696 RR001).
Individuals and corporations are also encouraged to make "in memoriam" donations and bequests and to consider donations to the Foundation in estate planning.
Donations will be acknowledged and an income tax receipt provided. Special arrangements for larger bequests can also be made.
For further information, contact:
The APEGGA Education Foundation
1500 Scotia One
10060 Jasper Avenue
Edmonton, Alberta T5J 4A2
Phone: (780) 421-0557
E-Mail: edufound@apegga.org
Charitable Registration Number
88589-6696 RR0001
Financial Statements of the APEGGA Education Foundation dated December 31, 2005.