APEGGA Staff |
Professional Development CommitteeDave Geake, P.Eng., Chair The role of the Professional Development Committee is to promote professional development as a means of ensuring continuing competence, excellence and quality service to the public by APEGGA members. This role is achieved through presenting professional development seminars, acting as a catalyst to promote continuing education opportunities with educational institutions, publishing an annual Value of Professional Services salary survey, and providing a resume referral service for employers seeking professional members.A very successful Environmental Practices Guideline seminar program was delivered this year with some 66 in-house seminars and 10 general seminars offered by volunteer presenters. A major review of the seminars offered to members-in-training (M.I.T.s) was undertaken to address the problems of duplication of material with other training, declining attendance, and overall structure of the seminars. Council approved the appointment of a consultant to assist the Committee in obtaining feedback from members about our programs and suggested improvements. From that study, it was determined that the seminars were not serving a major role in assisting M.I.T.s in obtaining professional status, and that the knowledge they require is being obtained through other means. Council approved the Committee's recommendation that the seminars be discontinued and that the Committee work with the Board of Examiners to review the Structured Member-In-Training Program to ensure M.I.T.s' professional development needs are met. A joint committee has been struck with the Board of Examiners. Two other projects completed were the development of guidelines for the Resume Referral Service, and the publishing of results of the salary survey in a Value of Professional Services for 1996 brochure and in the October PEGG. Committee representatives have been active on the Continuing Competence Committee of the Practice Review Board and fully support the recommendations submitted to Council. I want to thank the Committee members for their efforts in tackling some difficult issues this year, and the Environmental Guidelines Seminar presenters and APEGGA staff for their support in making our year a success. [Next Report] | [Table of Contents] |