Two methods of determining the level of responsibility of a job are outlined
in this section.
The Job Evaluation Guide, which uses point scores to assess a job, is more precise and accurate. The Job Classification Guide is used by many companies but is less precise.
It is recommended the Job Classification Guide be used to verify the results obtained through job evaluation.
This point score guide has been developed as a technique for providing members and employers of members with an accurate, yet easy to use, system for evaluating the level of responsibility of engineering, geological and geophysical jobs. Usage will undoubtedly reveal useful improvements. Used objectively, this guide provides a base whereby any particular engineering, geological and geophysical job can be classified and ranked relative to other engineering, geological and geophysical positions. This same job evaluation system can be used to evaluate other professional and near professional jobs, thus making comparisons with these occupational groups more systematic and credible.
Job Rating Summary
To provide the most objective rating for the job, the following procedure is recommended:
rate the job in accordance with the points allocated for each factor: duties,
education, experience, etc. on pages 3 to 9 and record points in the left hand
column of the chart on the following page.
compare the results with ratings assigned to the benchmark jobs in the tables
on pages 10 to 16.
make any necessary adjustments and record the final points in the right hand
column of the chart.
determine your classification (A,B,C, etc.) using the chart.
Figure 2 is provided as additional information
to be used for comparison.
Method 2: Job Classification
Guide can be used to verify self-evaluation.
Caution in Self-Evaluation
In self-evaluation there will be a tendency toward overrating on some factors, particularly duties, as well as recommendations, decisions and commitments. Where doubt exists, the next grade or half-grade lower in line will usually prove to be the more accurate choice.
Benchmark Job Description
A job evaluation guide is difficult to use without guidance from an experienced job analyst on how to apply the guide. To assist you in determining your level of responsibility, sample benchmark job descriptions have been provided on pages 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 to 16 of the guideline. The jobs range from the most junior, to that of a fairly senior manager.
As your job will not match exactly, the points you give your job will vary from the sample jobs evaluated (both on the various factors and in total points).
Use of Point Count Results
After completing the Job Rating Summary, refer to the charge below in order to determine the classification of the job. As it is not practical to have a pay range for each point count, jobs are classed together in one evel or classification.
The following table correlates respnsibility level with years of experience. This table is provided for use as a genral check of self-evaluation.
FIGURE 2 (click here to view)
Many companies use the generally adequate and less time consuming (but less precise) classification system commonly called the ABC system. This system broadly describes each level of responsibility according to five factors: Duties; Recommendations, Decisions and Commitments; Supervision Received; Leadership Authority and/or Supervision Exercised; and Guide to Entrance Qualifications. A copy of the description for each level of responsibility is provided in Appendix A. An abbreviated Job Classification Guide of the ABC system is shown below.
As many salary surveys are carried out using the ABC system, it is useful to be able to equate the results of the Point-Count Job Evaluation system and the Job Classification system. Application of the two systems has not been completely standardized across companies so absolute relationships cannot be set. A reasonable relationship between the two systems can established and this is shown in the chart below. Individual companies will vary to some degree.
FIGURE 3 (click here to view)