CCPE Announces New Award And Invites Nominations For Canadian Engineers’ Awards

The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) has initiated a new award to recognize exceptional engineering achievements involving Canadian engineers.

The National Award for Exceptional Engineering Achievement will be bestowed on an outstanding engineering project or team of engineers that has or will have a significant positive impact on society. It is the latest addition to the Canadian Engineers’ Awards, which are presented yearly during CCPE’s annual general meeting.

"In the past, the Canadian Engineers’ Awards have recognized individual professional engineers," said CCPE President and CEO Dan Levert, P.Eng. "However, it is becoming more common for Canadian engineers to work as part of a larger multinational team of professionals, often on very large and complex projects. The National Award for Exceptional Engineering Achievement will allow us to bestow distinction on these engineers as well as the projects they have worked on."

In addition to the National Award for Exceptional Engineering Achievement, CCPE is seeking nominations for the Gold Medal Award for exceptional individual achievement and distinction in a field of engineering, the Young Engineer Achievement Award for outstanding contribution in a field of engineering by an engineer 35 years of age or younger, the Professional Service Award for outstanding contribution to a professional, consulting or technical engineering association or society in Canada, the Community Service Award for exemplary voluntary contribution to a community organization or humanitarian endeavour, and the Medal for Distinction in Engineering Education for exemplary contributions to engineering teaching at a Canadian university. All nominees for individual awards must be registered as professional engineers in Canada.

The deadline for the receipt of nominations is 4:00 p.m. EST, Friday, Feb. 12, 1999. Nomination forms, additional information, and the terms of reference for each award can be obtained by contacting Lorelei Scott, CCPE’s Manager, Member Services, at 613-232-2474, ext. 241, e-mail:; or by visiting CCPE’s website at

To be considered by the CCPE Awards Committee, nominations must be supported by at least one of CCPE’s 12 constituent members. The Canadian Engineers’ Awards will be presented June 19, 1999, in Yellowknife, N.W.T.