Apegga1c.gif (2007 bytes) The PEGG
May, 1999

Annual Conference

Darrel Danyluk:
In Discussion

wpe10.jpg (9169 bytes)"Mission-Possible became mission accomplished at the 8th annual APEGGA Summit Awards®, the Association's premier recognition event, held in Calgary April 22.  Built around a special agent "Mission Possible" theme and the notion that with the talent of APEGGA members, the seemingly impossible is possible, the ceremonies honoured seven individuals and a project for outstanding professional, technical and community achievement.  Photo to the right shows the 1999 Summit recipients:  (Standing left to right) James Edward Clarke Carter, P.Eng. (APEGGA Centennial Leadership Award); David Thane Irving, P.Eng. (APEGGA L.C. Charlesworth Professional Service Award); Leo A. Behie, P.Eng., PhD (APEGGA Frank Spragins Technical Award); and Reggald (Reg) E. Isley (APEGGA Honorary Membership). (Seated) Allan Douglas Rogan, P.Eng. (APEGGA Community Service Award); Daniel Roman Motyka, P.Eng. (Honorary Life Membership); Charles T. (Charlie) Murdoch, P.Eng. (Receiving APEGGA Project Achievement Award on behalf of Dow Chemical Fort Saskatchewan Hydrocarbons Expansion Project); and Mir Mazher Ali, P.Eng. (APEGGA Early Accomplishment Award).

vest.jpg (21896 bytes)An audience of more than 800 was entertained by James Bond theme music and the intriguing comments of MC "Mata Hari Jr." (a.k.a. Brenda Finley).   As a finale, a pyrotechnic outburst lit up the Summit venue in the Telus Convention Centre.

The evening also featured the traditional Order of the Vest in which the outgoing President receives a colourful vest.  The vesting ceremony provides the first opportunity for the recipient to see the "tacky" garment.   Commenting on the size of the vest, which proved to be a bit too small, outgoing President Dan Motyka;s remark proved more "fitting"than the vest itself.   He suggested the problem was "The tailor was from Edmonton!"

The 1999 Summit gala was dedicated to the memory of two presidents who served during the Association's first decade - Charles A. "Baldy" Robb, P.Eng., (1923) and William J. Cunningham, P.Eng. (1927).





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