Practice Review Board
Stamping and Signing Survey

The Practice Review Board is interested in determining how APEGGA's membership applies the provisions of the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act and APEGGA guideline, "Professional Designations, Professional Stamps and Permit Stamps."

Your assistance in providing brief information as to how your firm interprets and applies the procedure is appreciated.

Firm Profile Information:

Firm Name:

Firm Address:

Name of Person completing questionnaire:

Phone Number

Industry of Practice and
Area of Specialization

Size of Firm:

a) Small; Less than 5 professional Members

b) Medium; between 5 and 25 professional members

c) Large; over 25 professional members

Engineered drawings

1.0 How does your firm meet the requirement to signify authorship and professional responsibility of all final plans?

a) Do you stamp and sign reproducible originals (or electronic versions) of the final plans that are then used to make copies. Y/N

b) If you answered no to the above, please address reason


c) If you do not stamp and sign originals do you stamp and sign paper copies of all final plans and drawings that are given to:

i) Clients                                                                  Y/N

If no please address reason____________________

ii) Internal users within your firm or company      Y/N

If no please address reason____________________


iii) Inspection authorities (Safety codes officers) Y/N

If no please address _________________________


iv) Contractors for use in construction                  Y/N

If no please address reason _____________________


v) Sub contractors for use in construction               Y/N

If no please address reason_____________________


vi) Other suppliers to be used for supplying material to
      the project.                                                             Y/N

           If no address reason___________________________


vii) Other engineers or architects using or reviewing the
       plans and drawings.                                              Y/N

If no address reason____________________________


viii) Others                                                                      Y/N

          If no address reason____________________________


Reports, Secifications and Documents:

2) How does your firm meet the requirement to signify authorship and professional responsibility for reports, specifications and documents?

i) Reports

a) Signature on report only

b) Signature and stamp on report only

c) Nothing on report

d) Other _____________________

ii) Specifications

a) Signature on specifications only

b) Signature and stamp on specifications

c) Nothing on specifications

d) Other ____________________

iii) Documents and recommendation letters

a) Signature only on documents

b) Signature and stamp on documents

c) No indication on documents

d) Other ______________

Record Sets:

How does your firm maintain a record of issued drawings, plans and reports?

a) A record copy or electronic file with no markings is maintained

b) A record copy or electronic file is marked to the effect "This copy /
print / file is for record purposes and shall not be revised"

c) Other______________

Does your firm have a written policy with regard to authorship of professional work and stamping?           Y/N

Please include a copy this policy if you have one.




Practice Standards Committee
Stamping and Signing Practice Survey


The Practice Review Board is interested in determining how APEGGA's membership applies the provisions of the Engineering,  Geological and Geophysical Professions Act and APEGGA guideline, "Professional Designations, Professional Stamps and Permit Stamps.

Your assistance in providing brief information as to how your firm interprets and applies the procedure is appreciated.

Firm Profile Information:

Firm Name: _________________________________________________

Firm Address: _______________________________________________

Name of Person completing questionnaire: _______________________

Phone Number _______________

Brief Scope of Practice of your Firm: _______________________________


a) Report only ______

b) Report with Maps/Sections _____

c) Maps/Sections ____

d) Letter _____

e) Letter with Maps /or Sections____

f) Presentation with Written Summary and Maps /or Sections_____

g) Other _____________________________

How are the results of your work signed / stamped to signify professional authorship and/or responsibility?

a) Signature on Report only ___

b) Signature and Stamp on Report only ___

Report and all Maps / Sections are signed / stamped ____ Other ___________

Operating Companies

What is the common practice internally within your firm for Geologists / Geophysicists to signify authorship and professional responsibility of formal internal reports?

Signature on Report only ___ Signature and Stamp on Report only ___

Report and all Maps / Sections are signed / stamped ____ Other ___________


What is the common practice internally within your firm for Geologists / Geophysicists to signify authorship and professional responsibility of submissions to the Alberta Energy and Utilities Board and the Alberta Department of Energy?

Signature on Report only ___

Signature and Stamp on Report only ___

Report and all Maps / Sections are signed / stamped ____ Other ______

Does your firm have a written policy with regard to authorship of professional work and stamping? Y/N

Please include a copy of this policy if you have one.