Better Prediction Could Mitigate Disaster Costs
Perceptions of disaster
are changing with greater awareness of how often the Earth and
its cosmic neighbours have been impacted by cataclysmic events,
Rob Stewart, P.Geoph., PhD, told a Nov. 25 APEGGA Council dinner
in Calgary.
Speaking to an audience including invited geoscientists, the
University of Calgary professor, who teaches a course on
disasters, explained how seismic research is revealing more
subsurface evidence of objects, such as asteroids, hitting Earth.
With people now inhabiting more of the planet, we are more aware
of many "disasters" to which we otherwise would have
been oblivious. "It's only a disaster when we put people in
the way."
This adds to a perception that so-called natural disasters,
including major storms or earthquakes, are occurring more
frequently and with greater losses."Human systems are
getting in the way of things that have always happened,"
said Dr. Stewart.
While disasters might not be preventable, better predictive
models could reduce losses. Earth scientists can contribute by
bringing greater precision to such predictions, Dr. Stewart