January 30, 2002
For Immediate Release Largest Professional Association
Calgary (January’02)… The president of the largest professional association in Alberta will formally visit Calgary on Friday, February 1, 2002 to keep abreast of the industry activities in the area and to meet with district members. Dale Miller, P.Eng., is the current President of The Association of Professional Engineers, Geologists and Geophysicists of Alberta (APEGGA). Miller will be visiting the district and all provincial branches to interact with branch executives and dialogue on the business of the association. He will meet with members to get an inside look at issues important to the membership. As APEGGA’s 82nd president, Miller actively promotes the vision, mission and values of the association to members, business leaders and the public. During his term of office, Miller has continued to promote public interest and safety. Looking to increase association awareness, Miller has made mobility, advocacy and relevancy top priorities. The association’s individual and corporate members play a significant role in every segment of Calgary’s economy, and their technical and management expertise ensure Alberta remains in the forefront of technological innovation. Throughout Alberta, APEGGA members use their expertise to advance resource development, construction, public works, transportation, agriculture, manufacturing and processing. APEGGA is responsible for regulating the practice of engineering, geology and geophysics in Alberta. APEGGA’s authority is derived from The Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions (EGGP) Act, a statute of the province of Alberta. Under the EGGP Act, licensure with APEGGA is required to practice engineering, geology or geophysics Alberta. APEGGA has served Albertans since 1920, now with over 36,000 members. -30- For further information contact: Chrys. Dmytruk, P.Eng. (Director, Communications and Public Affairs) 1-800-661-7020 Carmen Killick (Public Relations coordinator) (403) 262-7714 |