Vermilion River BranchClark J. Laing, P.Eng., Chair In 1995-96, the Vermilion River Branch worked on three major objectives. We recognized outstanding achievement in math and science at the junior high school level, these being core skills of engineering, geology and geophysics. The branch continued to support APEGGA's lead in promoting career possibilities and opportunities within our disciplines. These activities have worked in unison with our final objective, the promotion of awareness of APEGGA and its member professions to the public.Our involvement in the teacher awards program, junior high school math and science awards, career counselling and science fairs has assisted us in accomplishing these objectives. The branch will continue to work on these objectives, adding an additional goal for the coming year -- to get more members involved in branch activities. We need members' help and ideas. Those who are interested, please contact one of the executive members. I would like to thank the members and our executive for the time they volunteered to make our events a success. [Next Report] | [Branch list] |