Lethbridge BranchPaul Aldridge, P.Eng., Chair The Lethbridge Branch enjoyed another successful year of activities and involvement from our membership. The year commenced with our Annual General Meeting in April. This was followed in May with our 5th Annual Golf Tournament. In October, our branch went into cyberspace on a visit to the Internet, compliments of the University of Lethbridge, one of the leaders in the field. The ASET/APEGGA discussions have been a key issue with our membership and in November, we enjoyed a spirited discussion with President John Wood on the subject during his President's Visit.The Lethbridge Branch continues to support APEGGA's career counselling, with involvement in various junior high and high school award presentations. The branch also supports a "Buddy Day" program with the Lethbridge Community College and the University of Lethbridge for students in an engineering curriculum. Future issues with the branch are to see a resolution to the ASET/ APEGGA discussions and ensure any continuing competency requirements consider the problems of distance education for smaller centres. We will continue to enhance the visibility of the engineering, geological, and geophysical professions in their service to society. I wish to thank the members of the Lethbridge executive for their support and dedication this past year, and wish the new executive good luck next year. [Next Report] | [Branch list] |