APEGGA Members

Mike Rosseker, P.Eng., Co-Chair
Darrel Danyluk, P.Eng.
Nick Trovato, P.Eng.
Chris Wade, P.Eng.
Stewart McIntosh, P.Eng.,
Director, Professional Practice

AAA Members

John Rockliff, M.A.A.A., Co-Chair
Walter Cool, M.A.A.A.
Paul Garrick, M.A.A.A.
Dave Ryder, M.A.A.A.
Penny Cairns,
Executive Director & Registrar

Joint Board of Practice

M.J. (Mike) Rosseker, P.Eng., Co-Chair

In its third year since reactivation, the Joint Board of Practice between Architects and Engineers embarked on its most ambitious task to date; the development of a unified fee guideline for engineering and architectural services provided to the building industry.

Work began on the document in August 1995. In early October, a full-day workshop, under the direction of a facilitator, produced a "first cut" document. Meetings of the Joint Board throughout the fall and winter culminated in the presentation of a draft document to the councils of each association in February 1996.

Following a review by interested and affected parties, and final approval of the respective councils, the fee guideline should be available for distribution in mid-1996.

The production of this document sets a standard of cooperation between the professions of engineering and architecture unparalleled in Canada.

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