Barry Massing, LL.B., Counsel
*APEGGA Councillor
DISCIPLINE COMMITTEEBen Kromand, P.Eng., Chair The Discipline Committee investigates and adjudicates complaints filed by the public with respect to conduct of professional members or permit holders. Appropriate sanctions and fines are assessed in cases where unskilled practice and/or unprofessional conduct are found. During the past year, the Committee has received 28 complaints. Nine of these were resolved through mediation by the Director of Professional Practice. Twelve cases proceeded to preliminary investigation by the Committee, of which three were dismissed, two were forwarded to the Practice Review Board and two were still under investigation at year-end. Five cases proceeded to formal hearing, of which four were conducted while one is pending. Two complaints, still under review at year-end, plus five cases received late in the year, which will be proceeding to investigation, have been turned over to the new Investigative Committee. In addition, the Committee completed formal hearings on nine cases carried forward from previous periods. ![]() The mediation or dismissal of about half of the complaints received reflected the Committee's desire to ensure protection of the public interest by proper investigation of all complaints while maintaining a balanced approach by protecting members and permit holders from unfounded charges. The educational video on the discipline process was shown at many APEGGA functions during the year in an effort to heighten awareness of the procedures and potential pitfalls of not following the Code of Ethics, or of unskilled practice of the professions. The video is well received and has broad coverage among members-in-training through Iron Ring Workshops and classes at The University of Calgary and the University of Alberta. During the year, a number of illustrative cases were published in The PEGG as part of this awareness effort. The recommendations regarding changes to the discipline process which provide for separate Investigative and Discipline Committees, public members on these boards, and discipline hearings open to the public were incorporated into revisions to the Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Professions Act. I would like to thank the members of the Committee, APEGGA staff and legal counsel for their active and dedicated participation during what has been a very busy and demanding year. [Next Report] | [Table of Contents] |