A change brought on by necessity last year has evolved into a tradition this year with the publication of APEGGA's 1996-97 Annual Report.
As it did last year, the Association will produce a limited edition of the traditional magazine-sized annual report, but it will also include key sections of the report as a color insert of the April edition of The PEGG. In addition, the annual report will be soon be available through this page in Adobe Acrobat format.
Prior to last year, APEGGA traditionally had mailed a copy of its annual report to all members and permit holders, as well as to sister associations and other groups and individuals seen to have an interest in Association activities.
However, a policy change last year by Canada Post Corp., resulting in annual reports being rated as first class mail, would have caused a sizable additional expenditure on postage. To curb mailing costs, the annual report was sent to members of committees and branch executives, and was made available upon request to other members and other interested parties via APEGGA's offices in Edmonton and Calgary.
A similar policy wil be followed this year. Those wishing a full printed report can pick one up in person at the APEGGA offices or request one by phone (426-3990 in Edmonton/tollfree 1-800-661-7020 elsewhere in Alberta/by fax 403-426-1877 or by e-mail: email@apegga.com).
In addition to providing a summation of the year's activities and of the Association's financial position, it is recognized that the annual report serves as a means of recognizing those who have served on APEGGA committees and branch executives during the year under review. In addition to the recognition provided for volunteers in the annual report, an insert in the May PEGG will salute those contributions by committee and branch volunteers.